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  1. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Yah 40%, that's why I included the word 'may'.
  2. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Thanks alot guys, I'll get them started! It also looks like we may get a T-storm tomorrow.
  3. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Oh yea, if anyone can offer some advice somewhat related to this thread: What's your take on growing sativas at this time of year? Going to recieve some outdoor sativa dominant seeds around next week and would like to know the prospects on starting a sativa strain at a time like this (mix of...
  4. M

    Purple^Stars 3rd indoor grow. 4 females and 3 auto flowering females

    Awesome grow! I also have some blue kush from autofem seeds (along with auto fuel) except they are going their whole life outdoors; seems like they enjoy it and autofem says the yeilds will be decent for having ruderelis genetics ( 45g indoors 65 outdoors!). Anyways very interesting so far, be...
  5. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Yea man but I'm talking about YIELDS, it's widely known that regardless of where the bud is at it will produce dank buds (i.e. shaded spot, sunny spot, california, or new york) it just depends on how much you get out of it. Anyways, I try to follow all the outdoor grow guides by supplying Mary...
  6. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    O.K. well your previous pics do suffice to qualify you as an exception IMO, but the majority (mines included) don't really... "thrive" in the outdoors and produce quantity yields. I personally think it's hard for growers to pull the 2-4 Ounce average if a plant is grown outdoors guerilla style...
  7. M

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    But why is it that most people who grow in North Carolina look like their plants have low yields compared to the average grower???!!! I don't know why this is so?! Outdoors the conditions are right but why is it that plants here grow skimpy buds and slow growth???!!!
  8. M

    where to top?

    oh yea and im grooing outdoors and i want the plants to stay small because this old woman always comes out and cut her garden in the spring and summer and she may see the marijuana plants when they get big and tall. i was thinking about start germinating the plants in june and grow them so when...
  9. M

    where to top?

    so i hate to sound like the stupidest person on the forums but where is the nodes??:? is that the place where the branch grows out from the stem where all the leaves grow on?
  10. M

    where to top?

    yea Ive saw this already but where to top? I do get it a little though ,so tnx
  11. M

    The Chop

    my friend stuck his leaves in the microwave and said it worked
  12. M

    where to top?

    ok, ive been searching the web for 3 days and I STILL dont know the exact place to topp at. Can some one please post some pictures with an arrow or circle around the place to topp tnx!