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  1. D

    6 weeks into flower, yellow leaves, when wil the bud be finished ??

    Thank you for quick reply, what do u mean by head smoke ??
  2. D

    6 weeks into flower, yellow leaves, when wil the bud be finished ??

    First time grower here seeking some friendly advice, i think this could be nute lock out but im niot surre also when will my buds be done ? im niot to sure !
  3. D

    Firt time grow BIG ASS PLANT

    Good luck man ! This plant has been growing much easier than my other one. They were planted around the same time but the other one is a sativa and is well touchy, so far its had a pretty hard life itd about half the size of this one and still in veg. Looking good for a first grow tho yea ??
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    Firt time grow BIG ASS PLANT

    We just didnt have any :P All to lazy to go to the shop and get some. We have got some now tho :) Not to worry :)
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    Firt time grow BIG ASS PLANT

    This is my first time ever growing cannabis: 250 watt light No nutes in veg stage ( didnt have any) 12-36-14 for flower Its in my closet Its been drinking rainwater its whole life But yeah she is getting pretty big now, starting to stink up but not as much as i expected, I'm sure more...
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    Few weeks into flower

    Check it out guys !! Looking good still ?
  7. D

    Few weeks into flower

    250 watt light in my closet, always kept it the same height above the plant just moved it up as the plant grew. No nutes in veg stage (Just didnt have any) 12-36-14 for flower Thats leaves around the bottom, just took the dead leaves off and left them in the bottom, they have since been...
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    Few weeks into flower

    Hey put my plant into flower a little while ago and was just wondering what you guys think ? Is she doing well, this is my first grow ever and it has had its ups and downs !!
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    Ready to flower ?

    Right just re-potted into an airpot. Should i wait a few days to let them get used to the new pots before i flip for flower ?
  10. D

    Ready to flower ?

    shall i repot to flower ?
  11. D

    Ready to flower ?

    Is this plant ready to flower guys ?? First time doing this :)
  12. D

    Hey guys !

    Moved it away from the light. Problem solved.
  13. D

    Hey guys !

    That could be true, just dont have the cash right now to get PH stuff. Could it be they were too close to the light ?
  14. D

    Hey guys !

    As some of you may know, this is my first grow and its only super small scale. I am going to be using a soilless mix next time, anyway, they got nute burn from the soil and are slowly recovering but all of a sudden my bigger one has started going yellow on the top ?!! wtf. Does anyone know what...
  15. D

    First time small scale grow

    I thought this was ordinary soil tho !
  16. D

    So the burn hit them hard !

    Big one was a trifoliate btw. (I think thats how you spell it).
  17. D

    So the burn hit them hard !

    Have easily put over 3 liters of water through it by now. Thank you guys, what about the little one ? He looks in pain ! The bigger one is well bushy !! I have never seen a plant like that. Also i think its a female but im not to sure what age u can sex by.
  18. D

    So the burn hit them hard !

    ok so basically this is my first time growing bud and Its just a bit of fun atm but these are my first plants. They got serious nute burn from the soil but I'm hoping they will be alright !! One is doing MUCH better than the other one, so lets see what happens. For anyone that would remember i...
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    First time small scale grow

    This is the little one, he is still struggling on !
  20. D

    First time small scale grow

    Litrle update this is our they are coming along !!