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  1. H

    First time grower Not sure if plant is a hermi

    Can any one confirm what sex the plant is?
  2. H

    compost and used soil

    so what would be the best way to break it down? and should i take the compost from the top or the bottome of the pile beacause its a plastic box with door to grab it from the top or bottom. sorry newb to this Thanks for the help
  3. H

    compost and used soil

    Guys i have a compost bin in my backyard that hasnt bin touched for 7years now. From what i can remember i threw grass clippings, dead plants from my guarden, leaves, and dog crap in it. will that make good soil for growing?
  4. H


    is it really that easy?
  5. H

    Compost soil

    i have a compost pile going for about 7 years now in my back yard. i use to put grass cliping, leaves, and dog crap in it. Would it make for good soil now that it hasnt bin touched for at least 6 years? i want to plant some seedslings in it.
  6. H

    Pruning advice

    Looking good ups should produce nicely