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  1. Dutch Master

    plant dieing?? can sum1 help me please??

    so today i woke up to my plants having yellow leaves and about two days before that my seed leaves started dieing. can anybody tell me wat am i doing wrong. I have them under a 400wat bulb but i did forget to put my fan on yesterday while i went to work. Oh yeah and the soil underneath was very...
  2. Dutch Master

    Dutch Masters

    Obviously i smoke em. Strawberry is tha best. THen comes grape. And afta that vanilla. Then regular last :P
  3. Dutch Master

    Need Some Help!!!

    Its only day 18 and my seed leaves are dieing!!! IS THIS TO EARLY?? Take a look... The first pic is from yesterday and the other two are from today.
  4. Dutch Master

    Retarded leaves need help (pics)

    my plant is still very small ind one of the 3 leafers grew straight halfway and crooked the other half. I think this is from not having enough room when it was started and it started growing into the other leaves leaving it deformed. That is my own experience i dont know if it is the same for...
  5. Dutch Master

    First Plant, 4/20/08 sprout

    It doesnt seem to be doing to good. 18 Days in. Some spots are turning light green compared to the rest and also the bottom seed leaves are dieing. IS IS TO EARLY??
  6. Dutch Master

    First Plant, 4/20/08 sprout

    5/7. Developed alot with the new light/grow area. Ill be taking a picture for today at about 2:00 eastern time. 17 Days in
  7. Dutch Master

    First Plant, 4/20/08 sprout

    5/6. ON this day i got a real light and a made a grow area, now itll really start growin. 16 Days in
  8. Dutch Master

    First Plant, 4/20/08 sprout

    5/3 developed a little...had it in a spot almost impossible to grow, had a regular light, no grow area. 13 Days in.
  9. Dutch Master

    4/20 sprout, got some questions

    ok, so i stuck this seed in the dirt on 4/18. It sprouted on 4/20 so i cannot let it die! I didnt germinate it because i was being lazy. Now its growing ok, but its growing soo slow. I have it in a nice grow area with a 500w bulb on it about 3" away. I just covered the lower part of the stalk...
  10. Dutch Master

    First Plant, 4/20/08 sprout

    I didnt get any pics of when it first sprouted :/. My first was 4/24. 4 Days in.
  11. Dutch Master

    Purple stem?!?

    Just look for yourself. you can see them better in close ups. But am i doing something wrong or was i right when i seperated my best looking seed? Sprouted on 4/20 :)
  12. Dutch Master

    My Plant is wierd

    mess up post maybe ill turn it into something