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  1. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    It is probably gonna be hard to find a driver that can push enough amps and if you do it will most likely be pretty expensive. I have built this system using an arduino ( to control it so I am using the Meanwell LDD drivers...
  2. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    I was out of town last week and didn't have time to mess with this project. That code still gives me strange results. I went ahead and pulled a Meanwell LDD driver out of my terrarium light and it works for me with no problems. The difference in light output is small when stepping down to 1A...
  3. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Sorry if I was unclear, I was simply saying I couldn't get the light to turn off for a starting point. I want to use analogWrite to be able to dim the lights using the analogWrite values of 0-255 for pwm dimming. I have done this with 3W LEDs and different dimmable drivers. digitalWrite HIGH and...
  4. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    I just tried it with a different led and driver using the same code from my last post and got the same results.
  5. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Here is my sketch, simply trying to turn the LED off with setting analogWrite to 0. int ledPin = 9; // LED connected to digital pin 9 void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the pin as output } void loop() { analogWrite(ledPin, 0); // analogRead values go from 0 to 1023...
  6. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Well if it is not the frequency or the voltage I am not sure what the problem is. I just tried it on an arduino uno rev3 and got the same results. When I connect the pwm pin I notice a very slight decrease in light output and the light seems to flicker extremely fast but changing the pwm value...
  7. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    I am using an arduino mega with pin 9 for pwm. I'm not sure what the pwm frequency is, it is just what it is automatically set to. Do I need to change the frequency to 200hz? Also how do I set up the pwm to be on 5v instead of 3.3v? Thanks for the help
  8. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Guod, I hooked up an RCD-48 to an LED and cannot seem to get it to dim with the arduino. I have the power supply hooked up to pin 1 for vin and pin 2 to the ground, pin 4 to an arduino pwm pin, pin 6 and 7 to the LED, and connected the arduino ground to the ground on the power supply. When the...
  9. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Thanks for the help. For a power supply I was thinking of going with the Meanwell se350 ( as I have used it before, it is reliable and not that expensive. It goes up to 7.3A so I could only...
  10. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    I couldn't find a good choice on those Meanwell drivers that wasn't upwards of $40 each. I think I will go with the 1.2A rcd driver suggested by guod ( I am slightly confused with...
  11. C

    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Can anyone suggest a good driver for these CXA3700's that can be controlled with a 5v pwm from an arduino? I have used the Meanwell LDD line but cannot find one that is similar to recommended drivers power. They have a 1.5A one, the LDD 1500L...
  12. C

    Arduino controlled driver for CXA3700?

    I am planning on building a LED light based on this thread ( I have already started working on a arduino based watering system and figured I should hook the LED light up to the arduino. I am trying to...
  13. C review

    I recently purchased the 3 gallon kit to vacuum purge my BHO. The kit works as advertised and can attain a 99% vacuum. I managed to break a solid brass connector to the ball valve (not a cheap piece just a dumb move on my part) and they sent me an entire replacement lid with a new hose for free...
  14. C

    Need hydro help, tangled roots!!!

    What do you mean I wont get root rot unless I over water? Its hydro so those roots will just be sitting in a tub of water with all the roots from the two females.
  15. C

    Need hydro help, tangled roots!!!

    So I should just cut the branches and try to pluck any balls on the main stem while trying to leave the fan leaves? Will I have to routinely check for new balls and pluck them off quickly? I am going out of town for 7 days this Saturday, will I need someone to come and check and cut out any...
  16. C

    Need hydro help, tangled roots!!!

    The plants were put under HPS 3 days ago and the 2 females have just started putting out hairs
  17. C

    Need hydro help, tangled roots!!!

    I am growing in a hydro system with three plants in a 15 gallon bin. I have used this system many times with great success however this is the first time I have got a male. One of three of the plants is a male and I want to remove it but the roots are so tangled I don't know if I can ever...
  18. C

    Bud Drying Clothes Hamper?

    Thanks for the quick replies, that is what I was talking about. Any opinion on these things?
  19. C

    Bud Drying Clothes Hamper?

    I have always hung my buds up to dry them but just recently went to a local dispensary and was looking at their method. They use what looks like round collapsible clothes hampers. They are basically a standard collapsible laundry hamper that has about 7 levels in it instead of one bottom. On...
  20. C

    A Comprehensive Review of the Aerogarden

    I have had some trouble with this system with having my plants be males. I have been using the aerogarden nutrients and was wondering where you purchased you nutrients and how much to use each time.