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  1. Heady Intentions

    Name That Pest! (@ 60x mag)

    So last week I applied mulch as a top dressing to my c99 as a top dressing, and today I noticed eggs all over the mulch! Can anyone help me diagnose this possible problem?! I've never seen these bugs before, my educated guess would be thrip worms. Never ran into them before though so I'm not...
  2. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    UPDATE: Whatup guys! Things are getting exciting finally, sorry for the lack of updates. Doing last minute preps to make transplanting as easy and smooth as possible. I'll cut to the chase and show you what I did today; pretty much dialed in my soil recipe and transplanted the first round of...
  3. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Nice man, yeah always inspect up close before determining any locations. Cant tell you how many times I had my eye on a spot or wetland and upon foot decided it was def a no-go. Same works for spots you don't suspect of working out, I accidentally found one of my plots this year after I walked...
  4. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Thanks BudWhyz. haha yeah, truth is that I intended to build one like it a while back; made the pvc sprayer and ran out of money to finish the rest ($120) so I've kept it just incase I wanted to finish her. It worked out well, theyre pretty easy to make to be honest. You get any roots on...
  5. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    UPDATE: First off I wanna thank everyone for all their input thus far, tons of GREAT info in this thread already and I'm sure there's more to come... Second, I'd like to report that the aero cloner just gave me my first bit of hope in turning my bad luck around. It's a little past week 1...
  6. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Thanks homie! I love DIY projects in the grow room, they're so fun plus I save a lot of money for more grow equipment that I need. I like building T5 fixtures especially because they sell the straight T5 bulbs with ballasts built in so you just have to screw it on to a reflective surface. I...
  7. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    haha what makes you say that mwooten? I haven't had mine long enough to see results yet but any heads up about anything would be appreciated I'll be transplanting plants in a week or two, our last frost in my area is tomorrow it's said to be. I still have to bring soil and another batch of...
  8. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    One batch is 5 weeks, another batch is 4 weeks, and the last batch of C99's & Blue Widow's are 3 weeks. I'll be trimming/topping them out as much as possible before transplanting and taking as many cuttings as I can before they go. The cuttings will most likely be thrown out in dry-land plots...
  9. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    UPDATE: Ight so I decided to build an aero cloner similar to the E-Z cloner they sell in grow shops. This project was fun as fuck, I'll admit. I grabbed the biggest tote I could find at Walmart, a 2'' circle drill bit, 40 neoprene inserts, 40 2'' net pots, a 1000 gph pump, 2 air stones...
  10. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Hell yeah homie, lookin nice!! I'm paranoid of falling through floors into the water below to be honest, so I gotta hand it to you for trecking into those bad boy bogs I like to call em lol. Be careful out there tho! I like the chicken wire tubes btw, great minds think alike ;)
  11. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Thanks homie! What is a floating bog btw? Thanks, goodluck to you too this season - gonna be a good one.
  12. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Nice man! What kind of bugs do you speak of though? I live in the north east and so far on my watch list are slugs, ticks, and snakes (not a bug but I hate them haha). What are you dealin with where you live? Good luck this year too man, goin with the swamp tube method as well?
  13. Heady Intentions

    CLONING PROBLEMS! (in rockwool) I Help!

    Does anyone know the correct way to clone in rockwool? I have another thread going on another site concerning this but nobody seems to have the same answer. A few of my unanswered questions include: RO water? or TAP water? pH to 5.5? or don't pH? use rooting gel or powder? (not sure if...
  14. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    By the way... Does anyone know the correct way to clone in rockwool? I have another thread going on another site concerning this but nobody seems to have the same answer. A few of my unanswered questions include: RO water? or TAP water? pH to 5.5? or don't pH? use rooting gel or...
  15. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Thanks homie, appreciate that more than you think. God bless.
  16. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    haha for real, I'll be cloning the tallest shoots before I pack up the car though so they won't be as tall as pictured; still tall though. Hoping to fit them into plastic totes! I'll be double checking tail lights/registration and anything else that would get me pulled over. My spots are no...
  17. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    UPDATE: So things right now in the thread are movin slow but steady, a lot more feedback than I had expected coming from Learned a thing or two already that I'll be using to tweak my grow so I thank you guys again for any input you've thrown into the thread thus far. This week...
  18. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    haha thanks Space, but the fact is that we're all beasts. You just need to make the effort in order to enter beast-mode, you got it homie. :fire:
  19. Heady Intentions

    Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

    Yes, about 2/3 of your tube should be above the water. So in 1' deep water you should have a 3' tube. In an 18'' deep swamp you should have a 4'+ tube. Always wanna keep the majority of your mix MOIST, not wet. I like to keep the bottom portion of my tubes very aerated since theyre sitting...