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  1. BrewsNBuds

    Electricity costs to INCREASE 37% this winter (National Grid)

    BOSTON —National Grid electric customers will see significantly higher bills this winter, the company said Wednesday. "Starting in November, a typical residential customer will see an electric bill that is 37 percent higher than last winter for the same amount of electricity used," National...
  2. BrewsNBuds

    Dept of Education Orders Plymouth H.S. to Tear Down Newly-built Ball Field Bleachers

    Department Of Education Orders Plymouth High School To Tear Down Baseball Bleachers The US Education Department's Office of Civil Rights has informed the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Superintendent, that Plymouth High School will have to tear down a new set of bleachers paid for, and built...
  3. BrewsNBuds

    On The Road To Zimbabwe?

    The Treasury Has Already Minted Two Trillion Dollar Coins I just heard about this today. This is the equivalent of a Golden Ticket for the corrupt Washington establishment to avert responsibility forever, while robbing the private property of everyone in the country. This will...
  4. BrewsNBuds

    Obama's Endless War in Afghanistan: Deal Inked for Indefinite US Occupation.

    In Afghanistan, ‘Security Deal’ Means US Occupation Forever The US And Afghanistan Inked A Deal To Keep The War Going Through 2024
  5. BrewsNBuds

    Ballast Cooks Itself

    So... Does this happen a lot? Light shut off, big power surge thru the house, quick look and there's a hot melty power supply wire. So annoyed right now. Thank God the failure happened right when I was getting ready to harvest. Called the vendor who agreed to replace it. Problem is they're...
  6. BrewsNBuds

    Nepali Hybrid Mix Malberry Genetics Diagnostics

    I got a complimentary 10 pack from Hemp Depot. Its labeled Nepali Hybrid Mix Malberry 10 wks. I've never heard of it and can't find anything on it anywhere. I found a strain - "Mulberry" - but almost nothing available on that one either. Anybody heard of the Malberry or Mulberry?