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  1. Polixenes

    [400 WATT!!] HSO ChemDawg + Dinafem Blue Widow + Delicious Seeds LA Diva Auto!

    Nice grow SteezyDee. I'm looking forward to more pics of your LaDiva as I've got one at 43 days. And I'm in a similar situation in which I've got photos ready to be flipped to 12/12, but unlike you I'm hesitant to switch from 24/0 because I want to maximize my LaDiva. (Also, my Blue Cheese is a...
  2. Polixenes

    Need some help, i m on my 4th week from seedling.

    I'm no expert, but I've read that during flowering the plant can grow two to three times its size at the time you make the flip depending on the strain. If that's true, you could probably let it reach anywhere between 18 to 24 inches before the flip given 60 inches is your target height. Good luck.