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  1. P

    help needed with grow tent and fan size?

    I managed to get myself a grow tent DR120, the fan is a RVK125A1 I think the fan is a bit too powerful for the size of the tent so i am blowin air into the tent from the bottom and im getting plenty of extraction blowing out of the top. The temp is aroun 74 and the humidity is 38 would it be...
  2. P

    Can bud loose its poteincy aafter storing

    Had it in jars then paper bags now stored in jars its over dryed can bud loose its poteincy if stored the wrong way it seems to be getting weaker but its not due to smoking to much
  3. P

    ph problem is soil to low

    ive done a runoff the plants the ph was 6.4 retested it after runoff 5.4 need to rise it what is the best way to do this many thanks the soil is westland mixed with canna terra profesionall soil mix not been feeding at all they have been transfered to bigger pots the ppm reading is 1200 so...
  4. P

    quick question about drying

    Just started to turn but mainley white but should it be stronger drying in minuiets
  5. P

    quick question about drying

    hi we cut a few branches off for a quick toak dryed some in the microwave and some in the oven but it was not very strong does it loose its strenght that way
  6. P

    please guys take a look at this problems getting worse and worse

    i was told it was a ph problemit is a flood and drain ive emptyed the tank and renewed nutes im using ionic bloom there just over 6 weeks oldive added ionic boost at 1 ml per litre ppms are 700 ph is 5.8 as you can see bye the pictures the smaller leaves around the the buds are going slightly...
  7. P

    please take a look the problems getting worst!

    so basicly forget about going bye ppms go half strenght what the bottle says with the bloom it says you can add boost at this stage would you not recommend that can you explain what micro formula is thanks much aprecated only 3rd...
  8. P

    please take a look the problems getting worst!

    flood and drain ppms 700 ph slitley high now back to 6 nutritional ionic grow bloom at 2 weeks into flowering the third week i have been adding bost into the tank as instructed on the bottle the boost has been added every week upto now flood twice dailey...
  9. P

    please take a look the problems getting worst!

    ATTACH][/ATTACH] would you think its nutrieants burn 6 weeks into flowering please could some one tell me the problem thanks
  10. P

    6 weeks in to flowering pk13/14 needed or not

    i was using canna terra veg there 6 weeks into floweing i have been using ecoobloom for the flowering period npk is 3'35;10 i was wandering if i could add npk13 14 or stick with what im using many thanks
  11. P

    could someone kind enough to take aloock slight problem

    [ 6 weeks old into flowering the leaves are turning a light green starting at the tips and along the sides flood and drain ppms 700 i did notice i had the ph slitley high now back to 6 cheers ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  12. P

    help Brown Spots on Leaves Pics

    thanks very much for the time you toock to awnser
  13. P

    help Brown Spots on Leaves Pics

    thanks mate in soil feeding with canna terra flores every 2 weeks up to 7 ppms just a basic garden soil john westland so if i took the ph up to 6-8 would this improve it and do you recomend raising the ppms thanks
  14. P

    help Brown Spots on Leaves Pics

    35days in to flower ppm 700 ph.6 maybe N deficiency could you please advise
  15. P

    could anyone help me with a humidity problem

    size of room is 6ft long 7ft tall 3ft wide 400wt light outlet fan rvk 125 two 6 inches holes at the bottom one with anormal extractor fan revered to bring air in and plus air circulater fan on a normal day temperture goes to about 74 hot periods it rises to about 84 the problem im having is...
  16. P

    help with a question cuttings and canna start

    ive put the cuttings in presoak rockwool i was wandering if i should give them nutrients such as canna start ratio is 1 ; 250 could someone recomend right strenth cuttings white w first timer cheers
  17. P

    help with a question cuttings and canna start

    ive put the cuttings in presoak rockwool i was wandering if i should give them nutrients such as canna start ratio is 1 ; 250 could someone recomend right strenth cuttings white w first timer cheers
  18. P

    help with flowering 2 different brands of nutriunts

    vsg stage i am using ionic grow can i just add canna a and b hydro flores or does the tank need to be emtyed bafore adingthe hydro flores or would you recomend staying with the same brand for flowering many thanks
  19. P

    help with 2 weeks old plants yellow tips and light green leaves

    room gets up to about 85 90 light cycle is 7am till 11pm ph is 6 air vent at bottom around 6 inches not running the intake fan outlet is about 24 inch gap right up the top of the ceiling sixe of room 4ft l 3ft w 7ft h lights are 250 ive just made a new solution ppm300 ph6 should i flood 4 times...