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  1. I

    which to grow next

    i say ak47-perfect for beginners because it's easy to grow and clone and strawberry cough cuz i like sativas.
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    Med Card question. How to get em...

    I am interested in learning about the application process particularly in Colorado. What I have read ffrom the state health department site states that any doctor with a colorado phycisian licsense can sign the consent form. It doesn't really say anything about what else to send. It said that...
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    On the Job

    i use sythetic urine
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    Dr.Chronic packs wack seeds.....

    what company produces the seeds? the doc just ships seeds he doesn't make them. Don't shoot the messenger you know.
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    Your parents WILL find out....

    Good post. But you did kinda break it down for them exactlly what to do.
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    HELPFUL diagram for everyone!!

    i love it very informative and accurate
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    time to switch to 12-12?

    It depeneds if from seed than i would wait about 2 weeks and train either by superxcropping and trraining or pruning. 1/2 will be male and you can control tyhe height. If they are clones the Id flower tho depending on strain and flower period you might have a tough time managing them
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    id say best time to take clone.,.once plant matures to the point that nodes arent symetrical because that plant is an adult and there is less leaves that need removal and it is still in veg. best place to take clone probaly the bottom because it stretches a bit...again less places to form rot...
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    Re-planting due to stretching or no?

    does this work on older plants that have established stem or does this cause stem rot?
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    Praying Mantis to Watch My Crops

    dont release those fuckers
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    Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

    you know i was gonna respond to your first post and say it sounded like an amazing investment...not of hand like you suggested I was going to respond till i saw the date.....Lol.....great job enjoy.
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    Fat Chicks WTF

    IMO...I caqn't stand skinny bitches. What the fuck? No titties, no ass but a huge vagina....just wrong.
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    Vote's list of "RELIABLE SEED BANKS"!

    weird i havent even heard of most of the sites in the list....and the ones i have heard of have got horrible reviews from others. I m thinking of trying one i hope i m not disappointed.
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    My pot movie

    im pretty sure it was the duffle bag from the previous spot w/ the helicopter
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    I would fertilize one last time and make sure you get a little nitrogen in it. Plants require less nits in flower and will turn yellow but 3 weeks is a little early i think. Give em a strong bloom feeding with some nitrogen that wnt burn them and use only water for the last 2 weeks.
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    add water...presto
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    How do i cool down my closet please help.....

    ventilation or a/c.
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    help picking strain

    Next generation mikado. stays short branches naturally harvests as early as august. Supposed to taste like raspberries with some purpling.
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    my strain report

    hell yeah///im awaiting some querkle(purple erklexspace queen) thx for pics(and rep)
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    stupid f'n bagseeds

    well obv its not finished, probobaly never will be, you gotta learn to cut your losses and try again.