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  1. shadehouse

    cali con's boss hogg

    It's irritating that seed distributors have only been given one crappy photo of this plant from cali connection (as far as I can tell). The picture is out of focus, and looks like all leaf. It's also sad that the freebies appear to be tester subjects of an unreleased strain. If you (the...
  2. shadehouse

    Critical HOG Scrog Micro DIY DWC Bubble Bucket, First time. Advice welcome!

    It's the first time I've seen those hygrolids. You're blessed by 40% RH; that should make growing and curing a breeze. I'm so jealous. I had some problems curing properly when I started out since my area is sooo dry (~18%). I got serious with my technique, and wound up very picky with my...
  3. shadehouse

    Critical HOG Scrog Micro DIY DWC Bubble Bucket, First time. Advice welcome!

    Those are some delicious fat looking colas. Looks like a massive yield and a great plant, good bud/leaf ratio :) I'm drooling. From what you've shown I'm seriously thinking of ordering some beans. I can't wait for the smoke report! I wouldn't worry too much about yellowing tips, leaves etc...
  4. shadehouse

    Critical HOG Scrog Micro DIY DWC Bubble Bucket, First time. Advice welcome!

    Clones taken from a plant in flower will have wacky growth at first before they revert to veg. I think I read that you took your clones from your flowering plant, so this would definitely be the reason for the single leaflets and the curled leaves (those are exactly what you'd expect). I know...
  5. shadehouse

    cali con's boss hogg

    I was just freebeed some hogs from attitude. Add me to the list of those eager to hear how it is.