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  1. 4

    What u pay per O?

    lol... 75 - 100 bucks is all
  2. 4

    natural growing

    i guess i shoulda explaned more... the the main source of light... i have a house... 3 floors, not in use, no curtains (imagine your house has no curtains, how much light would come in during the day, thats how much i get.). the 3rd floor is my grow room. there is no electricty on rite...
  3. 4

    natural growing

    ok... so what if i dont make a grow room. no special lights, no extra C02.. just soil and plants... plants are kinda stretching... but there is a nice breeze. and as much sunlight as the sun provides in a day. its like growing outdoors but only indoors how do u think my plants will do? can i...
  4. 4

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    from what i smoke..... some bomb 50
  5. 4

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    ok..... so stretching is bad? ok.....most of my plants look like that... i gotta old piece of property im growing in now. its inside but alot of windows are up with alot of sunlight on the 3rd floor... should i also plant my plants up to the leaves also
  6. 4

    First grow pics

    but a clone is already started... its pretty from the beginning. where as a seed sprouts and then grows in to something that looks like mary jane
  7. 4

    second time

    oh yeah...... thats good... seeds are makes sense, since the mature seed sprouted better...but i dont know what perlite and petmoss is :( but im guessing if i goto home depot i can find it. and i wont get any mircacle grow, thats 4 sure ima look ad the faq's again
  8. 4

    First grow pics

    at 1st glance. im like "my plants never looked like that" they always looked like some dude in another thread's.. people said it looked like they were stretching.. but after reading another informal post and seeing your photos, i understand cloning :)
  9. 4

    second time

    ps. i did read a few of those very informal post that probably answerd my questions. i just wanted to ask
  10. 4

    second time

    a few years back, i planted a seed, i dont know if it was male or female.... but it grew pretty big. i cut open a water bottle, put some soil inside, and taped the container back together with the top on.. i left it in there for a few weeks, when it looked bit and strong enough i replanted it...