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  1. yancey

    Does anybody know if this looks like spider mites?

    maybe aphids? I think if you inspect your plants closely, you'll find whatever it is.
  2. yancey

    Anything I can do ??

    smoke it!
  3. yancey

    Hay Whats wrong with my plants!

    lol, is that legos?
  4. yancey

    Would this work as a grow box ?

    maybe for like a pc grow?
  5. yancey


    looks male
  6. yancey

    Clone leaves turning yellow and brown, slight dropping.

    what kind of light you have over the clone?
  7. yancey

    Good idea to change lights?

    as booms said, I would assume that means you're using a Metal Halide, and yes, switching to a HPS would be better *edit* for flowering*
  8. yancey

    Inside or outside advice plz

    It kind of looks like there's a path leading to that spot you're looking at. I would say to go there, look at it on foot. Stay away from paths, and look for growth that could act as a screen from people who might be hiking or whatever in the area. Finally, and this is important, from where...
  9. yancey

    What information did you wish you had when you started growing?

    Thanks for the reply, I wonder, do you think it would have helped you to have a step by step guide rather than the all inclusive Grower's Bible for the first grow book you bought? Hahaha, I know what you mean for the patience thing, I still have problems with waiting!
  10. yancey

    Inside or outside advice plz

    don't put them in straight lines/circles, put them near trees, and if putting them in pots, you can also try to disguise the shape of the pot by tieing (living) branches of bushes to the pot. As I love to garden, I use a raised bed with other plants in between and around to keep it covered from...
  11. yancey

    What information did you wish you had when you started growing?

    Hey guys, I'm wondering, what info did you wish you had when you started growing? Did you look for an all inclusive book that told you all the possible ways to grow? Or were you looking for more of a grow journal that you could follow and copy? What problems if any did you encounter with...
  12. yancey

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    very much enjoyin these pics veggie! subscribed!
  13. yancey

    20/4 Lighting

    coincidence. about that. you just took good care of that baby
  14. yancey

    Isn't it unusual for a plant to stretch like this under just moderate lighting?

    thats just part of the flowering process imho, plant doubles or triples in height
  15. yancey

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    like 2 to 4 inches away from plants, if you get good air flow you shouldn't have any problems w/burning plants
  16. yancey

    GDP clone 12/12 PiCS

    wow nice had to subscribe to this
  17. yancey

    How to hook up pc fans. PLEASE HELP??

    kool thanx darkdestruction
  18. yancey

    How to hook up pc fans. PLEASE HELP??

    hey guys i was wondering if you could hook up 2 pc fans to one charger? will it work? will it work w/out any ill effects?
  19. yancey

    CFL Yield?

    yep need some pics
  20. yancey

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    do you have good air circulation? if I ever burn my plants w/ cfls, it's usually easily fixed w/alil more air in that direction