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  1. B

    First grow, how do they look

    There are literally thousands of posts all over the net on how to get legal... search next time. You have to have an disorder/issue that a doctor thinks mj might help, they them recommend it for you in written form.
  2. B

    First grow, how do they look

    Thanks for all the replys. Yea, i'm a seasoned smoker, just never grown before. I've been taking your advice, and only mixed a little over a half of the reccomended dose for the nutes. Watered with nutes mixed in twice in a row, about every 2-3 days, then going to do straight water for a day...
  3. B

    First grow, how do they look

    Waitin is the hard part. How often should I water with the nutes, i'm using a 16-16-16 organic Maxsea fertilizer.
  4. B

    First grow, how do they look

    yea, the lower growth on the sour diesel, pics 1/2, is drooping. This is less severe during the day, but still evident. How tall will these get?
  5. B

    First grow, how do they look

    Yea, most of the bay has shitty weather right now, its cold and cloudy and windy today. I think that I am seeing some height gains now. Would it be normal for a sour diesel plant to droop when there is no sun.... here is a pic, you tell me if thats bad. (Pics 2/3) I think that the kush...
  6. B

    First grow, how do they look

    That would be awesome. They probably get sun from around 9-10 am until 4-5 pm. I live in Northern California.
  7. B

    First grow, how do they look

    I don't know if putting them in the ground is possible, we need to keep them out of neighbor's views.... its a long story. I think that I am getting some stem height gains now, the grape ape's first leaves now appear higher up from the ground than they did before. How tall will these get...
  8. B

    First grow, how do they look

    oh, alright, I didn't know what your first post was responding to... the pots or the drooping. Yea, I love DA BAY!!!
  9. B

    First grow, how do they look

    So if I don't move to bigger pots, they're in 7 gallon now, will I pay the price dearly for it? They were looking pretty nice today, but in the dark, a bit droopy, I'm attributing that to them not having light at that time.
  10. B

    First grow, how do they look

    Thanks for the reply Steve. Is there any way to predict any range for a yield? I've heard anything from a couple of ounces to a half pound per plant.... About watering: Should I just do straight water for a while, how often? How much?
  11. B

    First grow, how do they look

    The clone came clipped like that, I have done no trimming of my own.
  12. B

    First grow, how do they look

    Hi Guys-- This is my first grow, I am a newly reccommended medical user in northern california, and I want to grow this summer. I started out last weekend with four clones from two different clubs. 2 were started in soil when I got them (Mako Kush and Grape Ape) 2 were started in rockwool...