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  1. J

    Can't even get off the ground...

    So my predicament is such, it is my first grow (technically), I have tried 4 seperate seeds and I can't even get any of them to sprout. I have been using the moist paper towel and plate method to germinate them and then I put them in some soaked rockwool but none of them ever grow after that. C...
  2. J

    and my paranoia kicks in...

    So I have a pretty small box and inside of it are 6 CFL's and I was wondering because a couple of them are pretty close to the walls of the box if there is any sort of fire hazard when using CFl's. Also I'm kinda worried about electical fires because I'm using multiple extension cords. Can...
  3. J

    Aight soo if you ever trip shrooms...

    If you are trippin' balls, on pretty much anything semi-hallucinagenic, find videos on youtube about fractals (search like mendelbrot set or julia set, and pick one with zoom in the title), get some trance or very ambient techno playin' and enjoy