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  1. B

    I can't metabolize coconut oil?

    I decarbed it already... I guess I might try another oil like the suggested canola... I mean, it seems like animal fats trigger it... but that's like the unhealthiest type of grease, right? So maybe another oil might work. Hmm, now that I think about it, I never had this problem with my...
  2. B

    Once I get a prescription, am I allowed to "swap" with other MMJ patients?

    I heard there are some places where medical MJ use is legal, but making/having concentrates (hash, bho, etc) is not allowed. So there's that. But if you are just talking about strains, or homemade stuff like cookies, brownies, or butter, I think it should be ok. I just thought of this crazy...
  3. B

    I can't metabolize coconut oil?

    I've been using the same batch of coconut oil ever since (I made like 2 liters from 250g of bud), so I wouldn't expect even daily results to fluctuate wildly. The day before yesterday I didn't get high til like 6 hours after I took the caps. And yesterday, I was stoned senseless like 30 mins...
  4. B

    Arthritis pain gone... too good to be true?

    I make coconut oil for edibles, and I've discovered that it's like a miracle salve. A drop or two, I rub it in topically, and any pain disappears almost instantly. Not even getting baked out of my gourd matches this kind of pain relief, so I suggest trying it. I've heard even rubbing cannabutter...
  5. B

    can't smoke out of bong/bubbler but joints are fine

    Do you have the same problem with pipes? The only difference I can think of is the drag, and how much more extra effort it takes to inhale. Try it with just a little water. Then maybe for science, try a big ass bong with lots of water, maybe even a percolator to increase drag. Maybe having to...
  6. B

    I can't metabolize coconut oil?

    I've always had trouble dosing my coconut oil. Sometimes, 2-3 capsules leave me stoned for the whole day. Sometimes 8 capsules will only give me a light buzz for only an hour or two. Also, the onset is really unstable as well. Sometimes, I am stoned hard after 30 mins, sometimes it takes 2...
  7. B

    NEED Help with super potent cannabutter recipe

    Could you repeat that in layman's terms? :joint::lol: Do you mean that coconut oil is inferior to those other oils? And can you give more info on the part about adding ethanol/PG?
  8. B

    Rancid unfinished cannabutter, help

    So I tried some... and I got baked. But oh my fucking.... that horrid taste and smell. I almost vomited... several times, and I had an upset stomach (read:diarrhea) I'm not really sure what to do now... I'm not to keen on eating it... ever again, but its still potent. :/ I wish there was a way...
  9. B

    Rancid unfinished cannabutter, help

    I'm going to try "washing" it a couple of times (i.e. melt in water, ref, discard water).
  10. B

    Rancid unfinished cannabutter, help

    So I made several batches of cannabutter in several containers (each one being 4 sticks of butter + 1 oz of bud). Did 4 batches (16 sticks in all + 4 oz). I had gotten to the part where you drain the water after cooling the butter to solid. I had drained all containers except one, when my...
  11. B

    Strained weed (from cannaoil)

    I finished making some cannaoil (coconut oil and weed) and now I have lots of strained weed (an entire ounce). Does this have any form of potency left in it? How would you advice I make use of it (other than eating it directly)? I know the easiest way to avoid all this would be to just leave...
  12. B

    Purifying meth(etc)-contaminated weed

    In any other country, I understand that this would just be a paranoid urban legend. It wouldn't be even practical for the dealer since weed is the cheapest drug afaik, and anything else to lace it with is much more expensive. Here in the Philippines though, crystal meth, "shabu" as it is known...
  13. B

    Purifying meth(etc)-contaminated weed

    Backstory... I used to get my bud from a buddy in college who grows at home. He stopped though, since his job now has regular drug testing. Growing is not an option for me, I live in a shared apartment with enough space for only our beds, and moving is not an option. So I decided to start...