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  1. B

    What is happening to my fan leaves?

    The yellowing and curling started about midway down the plant and the uppermost fan leaves were unharmed for a few days. This plant is currently in 12/12. I also have another plant in vegetative that is in there during the day for 12 hours and then at night it is put under cfls for 12 hours...
  2. B

    What is happening to my fan leaves?

    phew, a sigh of relief. Still not good, but that was my main concern since i switched to hps. Im thinking it might be root bound since i only have it in a 2.5 gallon bucket(something i have changed with younger plants)Thanks Mogggggy i appreciate the info and help.
  3. B

    What is happening to my fan leaves?

    i switched my lighting from cfl's to hps about 2 weeks into flowering. the picture shows a fan leave that i clipped at 3 weeks of flowering(most leaves that i clipped were near the middle of the plant and moved outward from there) My feeding has been inconsistent and that could be the problem...
  4. B

    What is happening to my fan leaves?

    I know the answer to my question is probably somewhere on this forum but I couldn't find any definitive answers. What is going on with my fan leaves?