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  1. Towley

    Nirvana White Castle grow journal

    Any updates ?
  2. Towley

    Leaves are getting worse and still cant figure whats wrong

    i gave her some cal-mag tonight and this weekend I'll top her with some lime it's weird cuz i feed her cal-mag every other watering... i hope the lime will work
  3. Towley

    Leaves are getting worse and still cant figure whats wrong

    this is the original thread from yesterday the leaves are getting more brown rust spots any1 have any clue to whats wrong thanks
  4. Towley

    First grow 4x4 tent 400w/mh 600w/hps

    yup your teasing us fix the pics :)
  5. Towley

    Can't figure out this leaf problem

    its not i just clipped the bad ones and tossed um thinking nothing of it then the subtle brown spots are showing up again....
  6. Towley

    Can't figure out this leaf problem

    I realize i should of took photos of the worse leaves b4 I tossed them... Sorry
  7. Towley

    Can't figure out this leaf problem

    Auto White Dwarf Soil FF w/perlite This is the only girl showing this problem Only tap water ppm low -50, soil ph 6.5-6.8 used Cal-Mag twice so far every girl loved it.... watered once with Thrive B1, they all loved it :) but this one poor girl just seems to have this problem since...
  8. Towley

    Amish Mafia
  9. Towley

    Just harvested my first grow, here's the result (pics)
  10. Towley

    Matt's OG 33.94% THC CBD 4.44% WHOA!

    i'd have to agree!!! when i look at the menu online and they state high 20+ levels its complete crap!!!! I use my sense of smell and sight to see whats dank or not!! And most of the compassion shops I've been to are deff not catering to the needs of their patients but more of their pockets. IMO
  11. Towley

    Union extortion now illegal in Michigan

    Unions are the new mob watch out
  12. Towley


    Only crack heads pop pills
  13. Towley

    Had to hack them down.

    Bitches be making me go Johnny appleseeds on my shit.... Bummer bro. That flock looked good!
  14. Towley

    Fan and filter size

    sorry for another question.. but to my understanding you want to match filter with fan size.. so would a 395 6'canfan ho be a perfect match for the 6x12 400cfm phresh filter? or do i want a lower cfm filter with my fan thanks in advance
  15. Towley

    autoflower problems. please help!!

    never mind i just looked it up! they eat mites
  16. Towley

    autoflower problems. please help!!

    Can you please tell me whats up with all the lady bugs ?
  17. Towley

    Venting through a bathroom fan question.

    Nizza, thank you!!!! you are correct it is insulated. I doubled check the original fan duct work and its insulated but its only 3in... So to do things correctly I'm going to run all insulated duct work and use 6in all the way up to the roof. I feel going from 6in to 3in is just too much of a...
  18. Towley

    Venting through a bathroom fan question.

    no moist air will be going into the bathroom.. I'm taking the whole fan out. capping the electric with caps and using a 6 to 4inch reducer and shooting all the exhaust out the roof... my furnace is in the attic too, so I would imagine that the ducting doesn't have to be insulated, at least i...
  19. Towley

    Venting through a bathroom fan question.

    cool, thanks for the reassurance!