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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    I'm sure it would help but most of us are just trying to pass time I think since we still have a few weeks till harvest.
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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    he said $300
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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    Sorry thunder for getting off thread a little bit. I love the calculations but you didn't factor in other things. For example it's easier and cheaper to vent a couple LEDs then it is for 1 400W or more HPS/MH. Factor in that you wont need those fans to push a lot of air, no noise polution, no...
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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    Yeah I figured I would need to get some flood lights as well for added support but with little information out there there's a lot up in the air with little to back it. How much did you spend on all your lights? I don't recall a total price being stated in your journal. I've never been as far...
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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    Hey Thunder, do you know how many more days until harvest and when you can test the smoke quality of the LED power? I'm waiting to see what happens with your journal so I can make an accurate decision on what route I want to go. When you doing another update too? Love the journal, keep growing! :)
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    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    This post made me register :peace: I've been trying to do research on them and I've only come a crossed yours and a guy using a UFO led. Plants look nice, I'm waiting for the update now too :). Are you sold on the flood lights or still open to new things? I'm kind of looking at the procyon 100...