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  1. G

    Liquid Bloom additives are a complete waste...

    Well no instruments were used..just a calculator. I only use a ppm/ph pen. Why are you talking about calibration...calibrated ferts? How do you calibrate ferts. I don't think you understand what I am asking. Computer program wut? So your advice is don't compile any data or try to figure...
  2. G

    Liquid Bloom additives are a complete waste...

    So I have been reading on nutrient profiles a lot lately. it made me think. I have a bottle of AN overdrive, which is 1-5-4. it says to dose 2ml/gal. I broke down the analysis, and I am seeing OVERDRIVE @2ml 4 N 9 P 14 K 4 Mg i am doing latewoods feeding schedule, which is basically a...
  3. G

    Advanced Nutrients Feeds ? can enyone help here

    They do work. They're just really upset because their overpriced, apparently. Maybe they don't have jobs. Or because they are marketed towards cannabis growers. I'm not really sure. I do love when people ask for help with X product, and you get responses like "it's not a necessity" or "u...
  4. G

    Dwc topoff question

    Heya So I have one plant in a 10 gal res, use about 6 gallons. She's been drinking a gallon a day, I've been topping off with ro ph'd water. My question is I haven't had to change the res for almost 3 weeks now. The ppm stays at a constant 700 and after 24hrs it goes to about 850 then I...
  5. G

    5 weeks flower growing new branches

    Would you recommend cutting the new growth as it comes in? I'm assuming she's using a decent amount of energy to grow them back so if I pluck them will they just continue to come back? What's the point in pruning the bottom at all if she's just gonna make new ones
  6. G

    5 weeks flower growing new branches

    Ok cool I was afraid she was starting to reveg or something
  7. G

    5 weeks flower growing new branches

    Hello my plant is 5 weeks into flower. I trimmed a few spindly branches on the bottom around week 4. I've noticed little branches have started sprouting near the cuts. is it normal for her to be growing new vegetation during flowering? I have about 6 weeks left.
  8. G

    How high should I turn my airpump for DWC?

    Put it on high and put on rubber feet or wrap it in a towel for noise. On a diff note 5 gal for 5 plants is way to small should be 5 gal buckets per plant in dwc..
  9. G

    questions from a newb

    Ur fine Man, I remember when I started I freaked out at every little thing and tried to go big. It was a mistake, now with a few grows under my belt I realize how much abuse cannabis can take, I've had plants survive in 90+F for a couple weeks and seen plants survive with snow on them. And...
  10. G

    Flowering..smells like tonsil stones

    Just checked my res (dwc), smells like potatoes. White roots, ph 5.9. I think roots are ok. i have heard of poop weed..down here it's called dawg shit. Really potent. i hope after a good cure or a few more weeks of flower the smell will start changing. If it doesn't I just hope it doesn't...
  11. G

    Flowering..smells like tonsil stones

    I'm in my 5th week flowering. Nirvana blackjack, buds coming in very nicely. it had practically no smell throughout the grow thus far, and I go into my tent today and BAM it stinks so fkn bad.. Not good bad like fruity or hashy. Literally stinks like tooth decay and tonsil stones...if you...
  12. G

    Why would defoliation increase stretch rate

    I have read that he was talking about outdoor grows. Along with soil, whereas indoor and hydro systems are ideal for strips. Outdoor, just let stretch to whatever
  13. G

    Why would defoliation increase stretch rate

    I still dont know why they are stretching more. Lol. So I should just strip the branches completely then?
  14. G

    Why would defoliation increase stretch rate

    I don't understand your analogy. And I'm doing rdwc, she always has access to food and water.
  15. G

    Why would defoliation increase stretch rate

    My lady has been in 12/12 for 2 weeks. I'm running out of space, so I defoilated some of the fans, took probably 20 fans to slow the stretch. I checked on her after todays dark cycle, and she stretched twice as much as usual! Wtf.. dwc
  16. G

    Can internodes be too close

    Yea true. Btw are nodes and stretch interconnected? i.e.) you flower two identical plants (height, environment) one with 10 nodes, one with 5, will they both stretch the same amount, or will you see more stretch on the 10 noder
  17. G

    Can internodes be too close

    Thx for the advice. I thought the light was a ill strong but said f it. I'll keep a close eye on airflow/humidity. Glad to hear it's not rly a big issue. The WW is def showing indica pheno, the fans are broad as hell. I usually always top my plants was gonna see what kinda yield i would...
  18. G

    Can internodes be too close

    I'm vegging a WW, 5 weeks old in dwc. Feed gh nutes recirculating @ ec 1.0. She's 3.5" tall but she has 8 nodes. Theyre seriously like a qtr of a cm apart. What can cause this? I use 600w super hps 3 ft away. It's making me second guess when to flower, as I usually flower by number of...
  19. G

    First time in soil - - slow slow slow

    thx buddy. I now realize this was kinda dumb question Im just gonna start feeding with waterings every other time. I havent seen any nute burn in ffof and i put them in there since seedlings so heres to hoping everything will go ok
  20. G

    deficiency or burn? Blue Widow & Critical+ auto

    Thats a def. P or K to me