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  1. M

    My dad has insomnia

    Hello forum! So I´ve got a little question here... My dad had insomnia for about two years now? And he tried almost everything, right now he is on Rivotril and it seems that this medicament is succesfuly helping him to fall asleep, BUT it last only for max. 4 hours. So when he wokes up, he can´t...
  2. M

    Hunger -> High ???

    That´s the answer i was looking for... getting high from my own fat - thats the future
  3. M

    Hunger -> High ???

    Very nice video :) But doesnt answer the question. I do agree with that guy, cannabis could bring humanity so many benefits...
  4. M

    Hunger -> High ???

    Ok, i guess it was hypoglycemia...but now, just theoretically, could you get high from THC that is dissolved in your fat? Is it stored as THC or some metabolites(still psychoactive?)? I mean, if i smoked everyday for a year and then stopped and loose weight(fat) rapidly, could i get high from...
  5. M

    Hunger -> High ???

    Hi guys, so i´ve got little question here... i smoked mj (BioDiesel Mass - GREAT) about 20 h ago... it was great, listened to classical music and enjoyed. But now...20 hours later, I´m feeling odd, cannot concentrate much and i´m just feeling that this is not normal. Last meal was lunch about 9...
  6. M

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Hello I´ve got problem. My plant looks like it´s autumn. I flushed it three days ago but the loss of green continues. It´s automatic Biodiesel Mass it´s 6 weeks old and pretty small, but has already brown hairs(too early?)... Can it be overfertilization and blocking of nutrients from soil? I...
  7. M

    Magnesium and nitrogen deficiency?

    Hello, I´ve got 1 month old Diesel Mass auto plant. Everything went great since now... The lower leaves went yellow, and then even sort of coppery-brown(but just between veins), this is I guess due to a nitrogen deficiency, but i am not sure... And second, other leaves about one nod higher have...