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  1. F

    SICK SEEDLINGS?? 3rd go

    Hey can anyone give me some ? third grow ever. first 2 successful enough. pc case 50w 6400k cfl to start, 18/6 running at night. soil straight potting mix, no slow release ferts. bagseed. this time seedlings seem to be going slower than other times. 2 weeks since pushing through soil. growing...
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    ahahhaha hey lads no need to battle, seems diagnosing is a bit of a guessing game even if a gave perfect info, which i didnt :) so many variables to cause i dont have a system yet, first time and experimenting. i wished i had of jumped on earlier, been busy with that whole life thing and...
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    haha prob still need a bit of that luck, but all good either way it will work eventually :) see ya
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    ok cool im with u now. yep ill sort that tomoz
  5. F

    epsom salt or dolomite lime

    shit i dont belong on this page, fuckin worm holes ahahahah
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    epsom salt or dolomite lime

    as in dissolve it in warm water like i would do with epson salt. aprox half teaspoon to a gallon to be on the safe side and spray the affected fan leaves?
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    cool cheers man ill check for cal mag to. so would dolimite lime do the job as a foliage spray? just read its magnesium and calcium, while epsons no magnesium. but yea foliage spray the dolomite? as in mix like i would the epson salt half teaspoon per gallon to be safe?
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    cheers. mental pacification can make all the difference, for all sorts of shit hehe. i really appreciate it mate, ill get my hands on some epson fast, loose those leaves and see what happens i guess. just strange, it had gone so well for ages, and i added trace elements to the last soil change...
  9. F

    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    ok sweet thanks man. didnt add it at the start, and im guessing adding it know would take take long for it to be dissolved in soil. another stupid question, epson isnt table salt right?lol. i read elsewhere about foliage spray with lime, is that a bad idea? thanks for reply bro, hope i can...
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    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    shit is it calcium ? if so does anyone think adding lime would help and if so how much per gallon?
  11. F

    What's wrong with my plants leaves

    shit thats what my leaves look like. but i have soil ph 6.5ish maybe a bit higher, using distilled water with a tiny drop of fnutes to bring it down a little. keep us updated with how u go
  12. F

    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    oh yea its a kaya gold seed. sativa. prob left it too long in veg bout 5 week, but hood keeps temps good and lets it get close as to cfls. my last repot was to this long rather than deep pot. was hoping roots would grow across. had to loosen roots to make it fit in new pot. im a newb lol theres...
  13. F

    HEy. PICS INSIDE. SICK and NEED SOME CONFIMATION. Done lots of reading but confused

    hey A mate has a pc case, about 2 weeks into flower and its all gone to shit lol. first attempt, but even after reading its too confusing. 2 by 43w 2700k cfl, exhausted hood. temps of aprox 23degC. soil is home mix of a third compost, equalish parts potting mix, peat and perlite. watering...
  14. F

    plesase help with fans and noise problems :0

    hiya everyone. hope you can quickly help me out.. how loud will a 20 decibel pc fan be in a small cabinet? will i still be able to hear it? do you think it makes a difference to sound if there is a too small passive intake?? hope u can help. your site rocks@!@
  15. F

    using pc psu for 12vand 5v fan supply. What is the neg 12v supply about?

    yea good point dude. over thinking can be good sometimes, but yea it often just leads to confusion. there's no real need to install the psu in a cab as small as mine anyway. a psu would use up valuable space too. i just have to keep an eye out for the right transfomers (wanna avoid buying...
  16. F

    Using a 24vac thermostat (siemans RAA20) on 12VDC power????????????

    hi i have spare parts lying around and wanna put em to us Can i run a circuit from my 12vdc power supply, through a thermostat rated for 24ac, to my 12vdc pc exhaust fan? (thermo is a siemans RAA20). the insides of the thermostat casing is only the terminal strip for 3 cables (com, L1, L2)...
  17. F

    using pc psu for 12vand 5v fan supply. What is the neg 12v supply about?

    Hi all I think this should be an easy question for some Im going to be using a 450w psu to power 2x12v .3a pc fans and...
  18. F

    Found this box on the side of the road this morning, Good for starting seed & clones?

    yea man id put exhaust at top corner. might need to reinforce the hole (depending on thickness of cabinet wood) to minimise vibration noise. think about either a bought or home made carbon filter (im experimenting with homemade at the moment. but think about it cause ive already spent over half...
  19. F

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    hey leaf man that sounds like a heap of airflow for what im looking for. but i know nothing lol. how big is your room? Ive changed my plans a bit, its gonna be small and hopefully quiet. found a upright cupboard 1.5ftWx1.5Dx5.5H. its small but its my first build and grow, and wanna keep it as...