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  1. O

    Weed and Airport security

    I have not flown since 911. Is it really necessary to hide the stuff when you are a licensed card holder? While it passed state have the FEDS to worry about. I figured I would pack in my checked baggage along with medicine and pipe-Bic lighters. Since I don't want to lost...
  2. O

    Weed and Airport security

    I have never flown with weed. I am on medical mj and have a card. I would think it would be legal to take it anywhere where it is legal. I would probably check it with baggage. I do know of people who have flown out of Oregon with the bud in their film cannisters or empty deoderant container. I...
  3. O

    6 weeks flowering, tested hermy premature bud

    How did you dry your 6wk bud. I have read that you can put in foil and set at low heat on oven. At 5wks I wasted my time and used a microwave method which just completely dried that pretty bud......... and I felt nothing.
  4. O

    Nute burn how much do I flush?(pics)

    I am new myself..but DONOT use miracle grow....its too harsh. I like Roots products and use their soil and was told to get the Roots HP2 for budding as it is supp- osed to be better than Fox Farms Big Bloom. Roots has a great line of products which are organic.
  5. O

    What percentage of a female do you have from hermie seeds?

    Funny you should ask that. Last year I got some seedy pot from a caregiver. A friend made some clones. They are all female 6 out of 6. We had some concerns over a couple but I saw no ball foramation on any..and checked constantly. We have two style of plants as it is a savortooth/grapefruit...
  6. O

    6 weeks flowering, tested hermy premature bud

    A few wks ago I started some clones made with seeds from a herme plant. I would never do it again. Firstly no one told us the very im- portant part of good ventilation. We are renting and cannot put holes in walls. lol We have used just a fan....Ended up with leaf mold and mildew. I have 2...