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  1. blynd

    Lacy's Trippin'

    sounds pretty darn rad imho glad to hear from you :blsmoke:
  2. blynd


    I've not had much time to participate lately. I don't really know what happened. there just isn't that same spark (pardon the pun) here lately that got me so intrigued. anyways, good night ervryone
  3. blynd

    Pineapple Express!

    I thought it was darn good (just saw it for the second time) the first time I had a brownie and smoked like fuck before hand. I was too baked to understand what was happening. definitely better more sober though. not the greatest movie, but definitely worth seeing at least once.
  4. blynd

    Let people know your experience of what goes on behind closed doors

    that would be a great argument except it misses one point. if you have no one working in the store, you don't have anyone to buy from. I wasn't referring to a place that has tons of employees standing around doing nothing. we have enough to cover the departments and actually are one 'test...
  5. blynd

    Pineapple Express!

    I actually was about to start my own pineapple express thread, but was too lazy to search if anyone else had started one. I am really fucking excited for this movie yo!! I'm going back to my home town to see it. it'll be way rad to smoke out with old friends again. /homesick but yea ...
  6. blynd

    Weird things when high

    depends on the weed really. I got some of the horniest weed not too long ago. weirded out my girlfriend I would get so excited for anything sexual on that particular stuff. what I just got makes my eyes droop more than most. I tend to do more household chores and/or exercise more on lots of...
  7. blynd

    Let people know your experience of what goes on behind closed doors

    I don't know if this is worth mentioning. but for the big electronics retailers and how they have "non commission based sales people" ... this is kind of true and kind of not true. so, we have one department where the regular entry level associates get bonus checks (they sell TVs). every other...
  8. blynd

    what movie...

    has anyone seen the director's cut, or special edition or whatever it is. there's supposed to be some version with 'new' content that I have yet to see. I'm curious if it's different enough to go search for.
  9. blynd

    how often do you shower

    I used to have this friend who didn't bathe. or shower. I also imagine he never brushed his teeth. his theory was that his natural "musk" was an attractive trait for women. have you ever say, made a lunch for the day, threw it in your car and just sorta forgot about it? then you find it one day...
  10. blynd


    so how has everyone been? I've been on the verge of life changing shit. girlfriend is going into her final year at college (finishing masters in one year from now) and we're trying to decide what's going to happen after her graduation. maybe alaska, maybe california, maybe nevada, we don't...
  11. blynd


    it's completely different for different people. no, technically marijuana isn't addictive. it doesn't mean people don't get addicted. anyway, it could be a few days of feeling like crap, it could be an evening, who knows. just do what you gotta do and good luck not smoking!
  12. blynd


    what about the fried egg and pie? I thought that was an american thing ... gross imo, but to each his own! *leaves to buy more smoke to keep my relationship alive*
  13. blynd

    So i have a credit card now...

    sounds delicious, I'd pay $3.50 for air .... once ... okay, maybe twice
  14. blynd


    I miss the times when that was acceptable language to use. though, watching cash cab makes me feel stupid, so it's kind of like I am at that age again!
  15. blynd

    So i have a credit card now...

    hahahaha. I read this after just reading the posting about those nike shoes based on the ones from back to the future. and now this thread just makes me laugh. everyone has their rights to want what they want. the system is fucked, yes, but man, that terminator figurine is pretty effin sweet...
  16. blynd


    I'm a fake gangster. I kill fake rivals in fake wars over fake territory. I'm also a fake rapper. on the real, I called in sick to work, because I don't give a shit and just got done with a 50 hour week. fuck going in early!!
  17. blynd


    I would love the shit out of that environment. I'd love to hang out in a field like that stoned! /jealous /hidalia
  18. blynd


    good morning! I'm waiting for freaking pizza hut. our lazy asses didn't want to go pick up and now the delivery time is over an hour. I am starving ... so stoned ... and so hungry. did anyone see speed racer? it's at a cheep theater close to me and I'm wondering if it's even worth the time and...
  19. blynd


    I have had no time for anything this past week ... I've been neglecting my new community! fucking, two 12 hour shifts, a 10 hour shift, 9 hour shift and a fucking night out drinking (my first drink in about a year) in the middle of that. I've just had no energy!!! I need a vacation ...
  20. blynd

    Stoner Movie Theater

    how many of these threads do we need?