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  1. S

    Purple stems and tips

    I used intense LED lightning from month 2-4, can it have something to do With that? Thanks for The replies everybody
  2. S

    Purple stems and tips

    M moby dick. 22-28 celcius
  3. S

    Purple stems and tips

    Hi Guys My Girl have been purple for a while, But im starting to wonder whats wrong. Healthy looking otherwise hope you can help :bigjoint:
  4. S

    Yellow leaves and burnt tips - Whats wrong?

    I thought so too. I've only used Bio grow. The thing I meant about run off is that no matter how much water I put in the pot, nothing comes out of the bottom. Should I flush the plant and then repot it? And what about the old leaves? should I pick off the old damaged leaves since they have no...
  5. S

    Yellow leaves and burnt tips - Whats wrong?

    Hello guys It's my 4th grow and I'm currently growing a single plant. The plant are surprisingly two months old and have just been FIM'd two weeks ago. About a few days after the FIM I saw fan leaves starting to yellow and a few burnt tips. My first thought was it had something to do with...
  6. S

    What light to use - Indoor Growbox

    How many W does the lamp need? A link would be great :)
  7. S

    What light to use - Indoor Growbox

    Hey guys! My buddy and I is about to make our first grow. We've been reading through 100's of pages about growing and we are ready to jump in with both feet. First we've build a 120cmx50cmx50cm grow box with two fans (btw is the fans needed to be running 24/7? they're the only thing keeping...