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  1. L

    Foliar Spray or Fogger?

    So do you not use any type of Foliar spray throughout your grow? I have always (growing for about 6years) used some type of supplemental foliar spray like magic green, or neem or some type of spinocide for pest control. Thanks again for the Input!!
  2. L

    Foliar Spray or Fogger?

    Thank you! absolutly do run a drip/res type of feeding system. Just use sprayers for supplements and pest control. Thanks again for the Reply!
  3. L

    Foliar Spray or Fogger?

    Just wondering if anyone has any input on using regular sprayers to do your foliar spray or pest control vs a Fogger like this Thanks guys!
  4. L

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    After Reading this thread I might be attributing to my own problems haha. Thought i was seeing signs of Pest problems. Seeing a little curling and now starting to see more and more leaf margin burn (about one water leaf per plant) I have been looking at leafs under my scopes and i do not see...
  5. L

    1000w barebulb, how far.

    I did a side by side, two 4x8 tables, same plants outta the same veg room, one table i used 2 1000hps with adjustawing hoods, and over the other 2 600w hps with same hoods, same number of plants, environment etc.. table with 1ks came out a 3.72lb dry and table with 600w came out 2.65lb dry...
  6. L

    1000w barebulb, how far.

    when i did a vertical set up i pretty much just followed what Legally was saying, Spacing will be determined by the temp around the blulb which in turn has to do with your airflow, ventilation, etc etc. Get a good hygrometer or a laser therm and just play with the spacing until your temp is...
  7. L

    Cannabis seedlings doing great until moved over into soil.

    I am in agreement with Pmum, I think you are burning them up, transer to pellets or let them grow and bit stronger before you transplant them into MG. :)
  8. L

    600w hps

    I Agree with Johnny, SOG will be fine but if your going to veg for longer and grow some monsters you are going to need to add some supplement light or grab another 600w. I grow monsters using two 1000w hps over a 4x8, but i veg for 4-5 weeks. Good Luck :)
  9. L

    Automatic pH Controller

    Seriously! Cmon people, check your PH levels daily it takes a few mins, keep your res' covered and solution mixing and aerated and your PH should not need too much attention between res changes. It is also a good reason to be in your garden doing ALL the other maint required. :) My Opinion
  10. L

    New Grow Setup

    So after a bunch of research i do not think I am going to do a short veg, I am going to keep growing monsters with a 4-5 week veg. My only real question i guess is should I just keep my 12 plant count on a 4x8 with 2 1000 w hps over each table. In my past exp I should expect 6-7 lbs a month if I...
  11. L

    New Grow Setup

    Thank you for the response! My plant grows pretty skinny and tall for the most part so that should work ok. Great advice! I am going to try a few different things i think since i have two rooms this is def one of them. Thanks again! much appreciated!
  12. L

    New Grow Setup

    Hey guys, 1st post even though i have been reading all your guys' post for a long time. Moving my grow to a bigger facility and using two 10x16 foot rooms plus a veg on a 4x8 under t5's. i currently have 8 1000w hps with Adjustawing hoods. One room i have installed a bench system along the...