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    Best Game While Stoned!

    anything for super nintendo really, especially donkey kong country (i named my bong after the last boss, "King K. Rool) and super mario world!
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    1st grow, Seedlings stem snapped! HELP!

    ok, well i've had my plant in a cup in my closet with a good UVB bulb and some kinda desk light. making good weed isn't a huge priority, because i don't have that much money right now. anyways. this morning, i woke up and went to see how it was doing, the stem was snapped, and the plant was...
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    Male or Female?

    yeah it's a guy
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    withered leaves

    That's exactly what happened when I over-fertilized mine. It died. I think. but, that was the first plant i ever grew, and i was starting it in my backyard (the soil was very rocky and dry), plus i live in a really shitty climate. it never rains here. :\ now i'm sticking to indoor lmao
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    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    haha damn this is really helpful
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    Fresh Air

    I honestly don't know, but i keep a humidifier which re-circulates oxygen and lets moisture into the air! It really actually helps haha.