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  1. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    I FOUND OUT I HAVE MITES. DAMN. well i wanna frogger my house because i hate bugs in general. if i keep my closet closed will it affect my plants?? also i wanna do this because i used sns 217 mite controle spray. 2x so far. and im gonna do it again in a another day or so. first ill wash the...
  2. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    he has mites and nats and now i have mites and nats -.-, should i get lady bugs? triedd rubbing alcoholand water on leaves but didnt seem to work idk what else to do im so scared do u think i could bug bomb my house and be good? i have 2 indoor froggers i was gonna use cause i was afraid of bugs...
  3. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    no i just put them in new pots they were in the small ass ones for like a week and a half. now they are in these 1.5 liter buckets until they get a lil bigger and i put em in 3 gallon pots. but as for everything else. i just wanna know why they are crunchy and like curling up...ill do the epsom...
  4. Felicitymeadow

    Hi i would really like to enter to win the sweepstakes ?? how do i go about doing tht :)

    Hi i would really like to enter to win the sweepstakes ?? how do i go about doing tht :)
  5. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    and thank you! so i got some new pics! they have perked up SO MUCH since they wilted tht one day. i even transplanted them to buckets tht are like 2 liter. and iknow i will have to again. but until then. i have noticed some of the leaves seem kinda crunchy and they are curling up and getting...
  6. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    imo?? they look beter already ill post pics :)
  7. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    its fine its fineee the ladies are ok we jus seperated em. but one WAS a herm. it had hella seeds starting to sprout so we tossed tht but the other ones are fine. but what is a mag?
  8. Felicitymeadow

    i messed up :/

    im already with ya buddy im going to walmart to go get timer!
  9. Felicitymeadow

    i messed up :/

    thank you.....i was a tad scared. ya i know i normally baby em! they were lookin real good before all stong and leafy! but then they dropped iw as scared n sad but ok! cool! i will give em a couple days to heal from this. feed tomorrow. then transplant. and ill keep pics up whenevr i have...
  10. Felicitymeadow

    i messed up :/

    ya......ok i will leave them on the 24hr then and they are in veg!!! ok!! ii will keep an eye out im not good at spotting them but i think i have a better idea i have been tryin to get the hang of this! its a learning experience thts for sure. and well they were on a W W F and i missed a day of...
  11. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    no we put em in another roomm -.-, im fuckin up all over the place but atleas tim learning
  12. Felicitymeadow

    i messed up :/

    do they look really bad?? like do you think i can save them if i transplant within next 2 days and keep em watered and put em on 24hr light?? or what should i doo?? i dont wanna loose my babies :((
  13. Felicitymeadow

    i messed up :/

    my timer didnt work!!! so they went 24hrs with no water and with the light on! i came home and they looked like there was hope but they look wilted!! WHAT DO I DO!?? i watered them asap until all the soil was wet again do i keep the light on? should i take it off? they need...
  14. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    we put the hermi in a different room. bf wantss to make hash outta him i guess -.-, lolol NEW QUESTION so they other plants look amazing but ummm r they suposd to look like they are getting crystals already??
  15. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    ok so now my only question is. WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE NATS??? ALSO. we kept the one hermi and ditched the 3 in veg since the big one is already flowering. ill keep updates on the last 8 they are very nice :)
  16. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    OK i just decided to toss em. I KNOW they are males. i looked at them and i have seen a real one finally so now i know lol were not gonna get our money back but were gonna let em knw and then jus focus on the 8 i have left they are very nice. i am going to do the 2 liter pots in a couple days
  17. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    LOLOL no ur fine -.-, and i know he just is more of the smoker i guess than the genius? im the one thts pretty much gonna have to do everything. he puts all the money into it and i have to maintain and make sure it works ass well as he hoped cause its for the both of us ya know. but did you look...
  18. Felicitymeadow

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    ya i cant either and i was really hoping to figure out wat was wrong with my babies from this post -.-,
  19. Felicitymeadow

    HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

    i have the light about 17in above them because the 3 cheese quakes are so tall and the light is at a slant i dont wanna bring it down more and dry out the tall ones until i know forsure what im going to do about them. i have them on the w w f schedule right now. and i know i do need to...