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  1. kevtherev

    Old time smoker/grower 1st hydro

    9 days Filling out nice ly 300 mm now
  2. kevtherev

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    tissue culture is real and you can get plants from leaf or stem. I might reaseach as i hate to cut clones of plant im going to bud. But due to the law of the land of oz i only grow one at a time or you get busted bad. With one a slap on the wrist and a few bucks to poor box. Ive started first...
  3. kevtherev

    Old time smoker/grower 1st hydro

    im starting some clones of my plant and need to know if to irrigate with plain water at fist or with half strengh nutes?
  4. kevtherev

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    I think to do this you would use tissue culture in gel. They get dozens from one leaf, but time may be the problem.
  5. kevtherev

    Old time smoker/grower 1st hydro

    just thought id show you my baby its a skunk clone 4 days in hydro setup grown 90mm happy so far I have to find out how to resize photos to upload here grrrrrrr
  6. kevtherev

    11 hours Vs. 12 hours of light

    i was thinking if 12 hours is needed for flowering hormones and then it leaves 12 hrs for buds to grow what if you use a process timer instead of time clock and had 12 hrs dark and say 14 hrs light, Would this increase yield? Anyone tried. How says thier has to be 24hrs in a day screw with thier...