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    kief,hash making questions

    Anyone wanna share their way to cook pressed kief into hash? or does that extra step even make a difference?
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    male/female roots

    Alright, thanks man ill do my best with it them bad boys get outa control sometimes
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    male/female roots

    Hi this is kind of a stupid question but I just started flowering my plants (from seeds)so not sure if male or female, however theyre in a hydroponic system, so if some turn out to be male and i cut them at the base of stem, will their roots still effect the females??
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    aerogarden problems!!

    its all good man i just made an account to ask that question anyway, but what day did you start fowerin? i started way too early last year thats why i waited so long this time but their flowerin now
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    true, but i think in the book it said, you hold in the light button and it would shut off and turn on? any of that sounds familiar? or am i pullin it outa my ass lol
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    Hey this is a stupid question but i have an aerogarden pro 100 , does anyone know how to set it to 12/12 i know you can do it without a timer, its called super grow i believe, but i lost the booklet. if anyone knows please let me know. thanks
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    aerogarden problems!!

    Hey thanks man thats exactly what was going on, everythins runnin good now, still cant tell sex yet,but should be able to within days, what nutes do you think i should use for flowering? and when do you think i should start flowering? the plants are about 8 weeks in.
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    Blowinbig's Grow Journal/CFL/Aerogarden

    hey i was just wondering how your ag worked with taking the normal light off?
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    aerogarden problems!!

    still no good man but thanks, i hate these friggen ags
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    aerogarden problems!!

    Hello im new on this site but, I had my AG running downstairs, and i wanted to move it upstairs and take off the lights. However the i plugged everything in after i moved it ,and disconnected the lights and the pump stopped working. Now i have it set up exactly how it was downstairs with the...