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  1. arabmobster

    Help PlZ! Nutrient question

    yea u can mix both of them together in water just make sure u dilute it so its not to strong, and u should also try using each one separte on 2 individual plants to c wich one come out better
  2. arabmobster

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    wow plants looking really good , such nice buds
  3. arabmobster

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    how can u forgot it, ur in 2 countries cus of it
  4. arabmobster

    My journey

    if u want lights get them of ebay
  5. arabmobster

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    911 commision was written to fool everyone
  6. arabmobster

    My journey

    is it the one in the blue bucket,
  7. arabmobster

    My journey

    yea that should do or if u can put them in natural sunlight that would even be better
  8. arabmobster

    Revolution ...

    couldnt of said it beter myself, there would be no terrorist or resent , towards america if they just stop invading countries for no reason
  9. arabmobster

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    the swiss are intelectuals , they know the truth when they c it
  10. arabmobster

    Photo of Pit bull and Cat OMG!!!

    yea right , id rather just keep running and not take the chance
  11. arabmobster

    Some Of My Art..

    its very nice sorry to here that may he rip
  12. arabmobster

    My journey

    yea lol anything is better then that soil u got just buy any soil get some miracle grow, fertilizer , vermiculte, perlite and mix it up thats wat i do ,and always grows goood
  13. arabmobster

    My gf of a year has dumped me

    this probably has nothing todo with u but i have to say it You Cant Turn a Hoe Into No Housewife many have tried none have succeded, many people think they can accomplish this task ,but yet they always just end up hurt.....this is a losing battle give up now while you still have some dignity
  14. arabmobster

    My journey

    y do all the pots have wood chips in it
  15. arabmobster

    My journey

    yea keep us upto date if ur ever lookkiing for cheap seeds try kc brains
  16. arabmobster

    My journey

    looking good if they soild dries upto fast try adding some vermiculite to it
  17. arabmobster

    Revolution ...

    medicineman speak wise words
  18. arabmobster

    Indiana Jones *WITH SPOILERS*

    how did u know i hate him from even stevens, that show ruined his image its guna take a while to get over it , its just hard to take him serious as an actor , he just so goofy