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  1. W

    Autoflower Sweet Dwarf. Yield Guesses?

    looks like she still got some time left...20 days? i dont really know...nugs need to fatten up quite a bit more tho
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    DinaFem Diesel Grow

    damn...hope it works...wanna check this out...i jus started seeds in a similar setup.
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    Any predictions?? w/ pics

    i think that it wouldnt be to much to say that you could pull over a half oz....ive seen ppl pull that much of one dwarf that was alot shorter...12 inch is pretty big...i think you should be able to atleast get a half...but this is also right strait from my ass...good luck tho...looks good oh...
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    light leak,open at dark time! 2 seconds come check this out !!

    lol...he isnt the only one...i see people all over the net all the time scared at what negative effects even 5 or 10 seconds may cause.....i just kick back and laugh, thinkin bout the times i left my cab door opened high on accident..with no noticable not arguing or trying to say...
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    Autoflowering Sweet Dwarf/Strawberry Kush CFL Grow

    hmmm strange....seems weird that the dwarf auto is stretched this much and that the photo plant is so bushy....not that there is anything wrong....they both look good to me...pumped to see how they turn out....been thinkin about tryin some sweets... good luck
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    Blue Cheese, Auto New York City and Auto White Widow

    lookin good....been thinkin bout tryin some of these kinds...lookin farward to seeing how these turn out..
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    Very Small, Cheap, Easy, indoor Lowrider Grow. (Experimental)

    interested to see what this becomes....looking good so far...beautiful plants.
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    why dont cfl with auto journals never get finished?

    how come there isnt very many good journals with cfls that ever get finished...i wanna try a similer small box project but i dont wanna waste the money on shit if im not gonna get good nugs...i dont care so much about a giant yield i jus want some decent quality smoke....someone please link me...
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    Another quick question Please.

    This is the first time i am growing inside, not counting all the numerous times that ive started plants inside for outdoor. I think that i am going to go with autoflowers just because i want a fast amount of smoke. Im not worried about the yield, i just wanna make sure that if i put 3 plants in...
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    LED Vs HD Lighting

    i think this is to think i clicked on a link called "led vs hd lighting".....some funny shit
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    Another quick question Please. im going to be using around 200w of i am wondering what would be the better yield...if i jus put one plant under the lights or two.? and also i am wondering if you did put two plants and the yield was roughly the same if it would change the quality of the smoke, compared to...
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    Light Question. What to buy?

    Im kinda in a dunno what to buy....i have already a 65w 2700k cfl....and i am goin sometime within the next couple of days to buy two more bulbs....i dunno whether to buy 2 65w 6500k bulbs, a 65w 6500k and a 65w 2700k, or jus two more 65w 2700k bulbs....hope this isnt...
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    clf spectrum question. please help

    sorry ironfox....didnt see your reply....anyways my cabinet is literally just a closet...with a box that i fastened outta mylar insulation an ducktape....and i have a small 13w circulator fan runnin at all times...lights are jus hangin in the box with mylar over the top of em...
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    clf spectrum question. please help

    dont need a cabinet in the boonies....ive got a closet setup lined with mylar in a small area....with a boxfan runnin with the door cracked.... Thanx for the info guys.... and congrats Retrofuzz...lifes a funny thing...!
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    clf spectrum question. please help

    well im only growing either one or two plants....its like 50-60 dollars for mids round here.....and i can save a whole pile of money.....and thanx for the info...i was thinkin maybe using the 6500k light primarily on the plant during veg, and use the 2700k bulb primarily on the plant during...
  16. W

    clf spectrum question. please help

    i got a question about spectrums...for one plant could i jus use one 42 watt 6500k bulb and one 42 2700k bulb? and if so, would it be benifitial for me to rotate the plants regularly? Ive heard of people using similar technics but with numerous bulbs. i didnt know if it was any diffrent because...
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    What are the best auto seeds for CFL?

    im actually gonna use to 65 watts....i know that isnt much of a difference.....jus lookin for some help or suggestions....didnt think my question that stupid..
  18. W

    What are the best auto seeds for CFL?

    I am recently starting a CFL grow and my first indoor grow. I am not using alot of lights, jus two 42 watt cfls for two plants. Im not looking for a huge yeild, I just want a decent yeild that i dont have to pay 50+ dollars an 8th for. Ive heard that Low Ryder is a good choice for a CFL grow and...