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  1. krayzazian

    My First Grow

    ok, so this is like my 2nd time growing and the 1st time i trusted a friend to take care of it for me and he forgot - dipshit - so i started 2 new ones, but this time i'm growing em' both. I ended up giving one plant of the 2 to my friend but i'm growin my own baby. I'm not too sure about the...
  2. krayzazian

    I have no idea what's wrong, first time grower

    dude, first of all looks like the heat in the room is a lil too much, notice the saggy-ness and droopy-ness of the leaves? they are narrow and long which is great and good for growin dank bud, but its past its limit and starting to turn yellow. Keep a "oss-ill-ating" (cant spell) fan on em'. USE...