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  1. D

    Spider Mites

    So I just had the worst infestation of spider mites I have ever had. Freakin Killed my garden, just got done cleaning out the hole room an im crying on the inside. Papaya and jack herer under 1000w SCROG, the most beautiful garden I have had yet until the spiders mites fucked it all up...
  2. D

    Electrical question about fuse and breakers

    Yeah one of the GFI's are close to the garage door an would not change it. I've been electrocuted before an know its no joke so I'm not messing around without a sure plan of action and heard way to many story about fire. I'll probably stop growing before I start messing with electrical myself...
  3. D

    Electrical question about fuse and breakers

    So I'm using a 1000w dig ballast and have half my garage converted into a room. Previous owners built the room really well from frame/insolation to outlets to even duct for AC and heater. However there is an surge/reset outlet on the outside of the room in the garage. Not sure what the outlets...
  4. D

    Do you REALLY remember your first time.......

    ......or do remember one of the first times? My buddy an I were talking the other day, he brought up that age old question "Do you remember the first time you smoked cannabis? After thinking about it....."I remember one of the first times, not sure if it was the first." Now my question goes...
  5. D

    Newbie with some questions.....

    Hey guys just joined the site tonight. I have grown with hydro before in the past with my room mates, but I am now on my own. I have 12 girls goin under a 1000w in 5gl roots organic soil. I have been using grandma's molasses. last harvest it came out pretty tasty, but no comparison since I've...