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  1. C

    Slow Growth? Trouble leaves curling

    I transplanted Jack into 7 inches deep 9 inches wide pot. when i took plant out all perlite,vermiculite and compost broke into pieces and i could see roots. any how i held the stem and covered it up till 4inches. I did not transplant other one as i wanted to see results of this first don't want...
  2. C

    Slow Growth? Trouble leaves curling

    Would you suggest for potting mix i should mix peat and compost with Perlite and vermiculite? Or same stuff i used before with different ratio?
  3. C

    Slow Growth? Trouble leaves curling

    i fixed to 6.5 right after i found it was 7.1 in early stage. Currently temp is 30 degrees C and humidity 50% im worried about transplanting them @ this early stage as roots have not fully developed and not fully attached with soil.
  4. C

    Slow Growth? Trouble leaves curling

    On 28th Disaster Struck pot fell over measuring scale and and more then 1/2 of soil came out and i could see roots :wall: but roots were attached with bottom soil i held the stems and covered with soil within few sec and watered it until 10% run out. This image was taken right after i fixed...
  5. C

    Slow Growth? Trouble leaves curling

    Hi guys my seeds sprouted and i planted them on 2/09/13 For Soil i used 50% compost 30% Vermiculite and 20% perlite. Under 2 T5 lights I think they stretched a bit too much in early stage. 24/7 No Nutrient's added they were given water @ ph 7.1 when after testing i switched to bottled water...
  6. C

    Growing Medium and indoor setup

    Hi Guys i just bought Peat soil Compost vitax-multi-purpose-peat-free-compost it says its not suitable for lime hating plants.
  7. C

    Right soil for Growing in Pakistan

    So that means no potting Substrate needed?
  8. C

    Right soil for Growing in Pakistan

    can some one advice if i have to mix compost with potting substrate or just plant directly in Compost?
  9. C

    Right soil for Growing in Pakistan

    Vitax Multi-purpose Peat Free Compost Plantaflor® Potting Substrate
  10. C

    Right soil for Growing in Pakistan

    Hi Guys i just bought vitax-multi-purpose-peat-free-compost it says its not suitable for lime hating plants. vitax-multi-purpose-peat-free-compost...
  11. C

    Growing in pakistan

    the first two images are from soil bag and and other 2 r from perlite bag. so i should mix the soil and perlite and then transplant which of first 2 bags would u suggest from specs? how much of Perlite i should mix?
  12. C

    Growing in pakistan

    I was away for 3days to get some soil and when i came back this is what i found. I had some there to water plants once a day.... The good news is i got some soil. Advice if this is any good and do these plants have a chance of surviving if i shift them immediately in this new soil?
  13. C

    Growing in pakistan

    Could this be nute burn? or lack of nute? If my two plants survive can i use their cuttings and clone them?
  14. C

    Why are my Plants sagging?? Help Please!

    could you suggest some thing positive here?
  15. C

    Why are my Plants sagging?? Help Please!

    @ 16:30 on 25th @12:30pm on 26th over water or under?
  16. C

    Growing in pakistan

    what is compost bin for? On 25.05.12 16:30pm On 25.05.12 19:45 On 25.05.12 12:30pm I think its over water should i move it out door? or transplant it?
  17. C

    Growing in pakistan

    I'm giving my plants 24/0 light is that alright?
  18. C

    Growing in pakistan

    Another plant started sagging grrrr I'm going to update pics
  19. C

    Growing in pakistan

    This shifting was done on 22.05.12
  20. C

    Growing in pakistan

    Do you think those sagging plants stands any change to be good again? Should I take some solid out of pot and fill some rocks as you suggested before about making my own soil I have not don't that and I have notcied the 3 other plants have their roots being spread out means pulling them out...