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  1. T

    Is she done flowering?

    wow seven month of electricity for a dime bag
  2. T

    CRISPY CRITTERS suggestions for rehydrating

    you can also buy humidifier disk at almost any head shop or the net.
  3. T

    lsd help

    if you die on acid you die. if you see yourself die while tripping do a little less.
  4. T

    Fuck salvia.

    you have to use a torch lighter or it wont work.
  5. T


    ive dropped acid alot of times. never once REMEMBER a flash back or a bad trip just do it in a happy environment with good people and youll have a blast. first trip on one or two hits so you can see if you like it or not.
  6. T

    Need some help sexing

    third pic i think shows a male flower. looks like a herm.