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  1. growgirl81

    Newbie indoor grower - need evaluation

    cant see the pics???
  2. growgirl81

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    thanks i've had them a while now :P
  3. growgirl81

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    homemade co2 wow, this is why i love this site that amount of mad shit ya find out is gr8, defo look into that :)
  4. growgirl81

    Confused on what to expect for yeilds?

    as someone on there 1st grow too, jst chill out use this an a learning exp more than gettin the max yeild do a blog or take notes for ur next grow, if i get an oz a plant then i'm happy anymore is a bonus as i aint done it b4 so i'm not expecting gr8 things, something not too bad would b gd...
  5. growgirl81

    Help I need somebody.

    i got the same prob with 2 of mine, cant figure out the cause of the problem, read so much about what it could be rather than what it actually is!!!
  6. growgirl81

    They are ready

    you done gr8 for 1st time
  7. growgirl81

    Risk of fire from lighting?

    make sure u have a fire extinguisher
  8. growgirl81

    They are ready

    really depends on what kind of high your looking for, google cloudy trichomes or amber trichomes and read for yourself :)
  9. growgirl81

    missed lights on by 2-3 hrs wats the best plan??

    cheers like i said unforseen shit occured which cudnt be helped
  10. growgirl81

    missed lights on by 2-3 hrs wats the best plan??

    i missed the lights going on by a few hrs due to unforseen shit happenin, whats the best plan of action from here as there is so much do's n donts i'm slightly confused. anyone had any experience with same prob plz put ur bit in it'll be appreciated :) had 3 diff timers n none of them worked...
  11. growgirl81

    Light cycle

    ak47, 2x600w, soil thinkin jst do 24hr dark then straight 12/12
  12. growgirl81

    Light cycle

    going into flowering 12/12 2night, whats the general veiws on putting the plants in darkness for 36 hrs b4 starting 12/12, i read that it helps the plants start flowering quicker????
  13. growgirl81

    Leaves curling under.

    search up top n read some older threads or google it loads of answers :)
  14. growgirl81

    Odor control

    like everything else google it ;-)
  15. growgirl81

    My bud's potency just isn't there

    think you all need to do somethin else with ur fingers rather than typing.............. go roll one n chill, it's jst gettin bit daft n aggressive which aint the point of this site jst saying;-)
  16. growgirl81

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    i'd defo go for bigger pot size, a gd size pot and drainage system and re-look at your nutes, they look gd and you've done well dont waste all these wks of work over silly mistakes. google rootbound plants, loads of pics and articles explaining all this :)
  17. growgirl81

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    next time make sure u have correct pot size otherwise u may find yourself in the same predicament, gl with the 11 :D
  18. growgirl81

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    well put the loss of the mother down to a learning curve and move on to the flowering :)
  19. growgirl81

    whats wrong with my plant? help please?

    least u have 11 clones, best advice (1st time grower too) research, research and more research and if u see the same advice on at least 3 diff sites tend to go with it!!!! gl with it all