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  1. R

    advice/feedback on my lighting, soil, seed and overall design please? first grow

    any comments on these questions - is it better to start in a small pot, then transplant to a medium pot later, than finally to a large pot? or should you just start in a giant pot and never change it? if you do change it, naturally every time you are adding soil you should be laying off the...
  2. R

    heat concern: 400watt hps in a closet, solutions?

    i was going to use a 150 or 250 watt setup, because i cant really have an exhaust system for this closet grow. so i am worried about the heat. but i keep reading that if you dont go with at least a 400, you will be disappointed... it is for 2 or 3 plants, and the closet is about 4' wide x 6'...
  3. R

    will 3 26 watt CFLs be enough for early vegging and rooting clones?

    will 3 26watt CFLs be enough to get a few seedlings started, just for now? also, will they be enough later on to support some clones while waiting for them to root and such? thanks!
  4. R

    using CFLs to veg then HPS to flower?

    will i get decent results from using CFLs for vegging and then switching to a HPS to flower? how many CFLs and what wattage would be needed for about 3 plants? (the real wattage they actually use, not the wattage they claim to be comparable to)
  5. R

    Club soda

    can anyone else comment on this as i have never heard of it before...
  6. R

    using fox farms ocean forest - which nutes to use and when to add?

    I am going to be using fox farms ocean forest, i was told in another thread to use their own nutes so i am assuming the reference was to their 'grow big' and 'big bloom' ferts? if so, when after planting should i begin to add grow big to the water? and when after i begin flowering should i start...
  7. R

    advice/feedback on my lighting, soil, seed and overall design please? first grow

    anybody else have some advice for me? it would be greatly appreciated
  8. R

    advice/feedback on my lighting, soil, seed and overall design please? first grow

    did you realize i meant a totally separate closet if i used a second room? ie 250watt hps in one closet for flowering, several CFLs in another closet for vegging
  9. R

    E T A

    beautiful ;D
  10. R

    Question about portable AC units

    here is a thought-check out watercooling kits for PCs. you can buy setups that come with a radiator that you attach to a hot PC part and water rushes over the back of it to take away the heat and dissipate it through the radiator. I would imagine you could attach one to the hot parts of the...
  11. R

    most cost effective grow

    thats fucking hilarious i've got to try that... what kind of flowers would be most realistic?
  12. R

    Bought new lights and i had a question

    who knows? i think the more important question is, how much shit did you buy and where... one or two low or medium power lights probably isnt a huge flag but if you just bought like several 600watt lights then you might have drawn some unwanted attention. try not to look pro...
  13. R

    advice/feedback on my lighting, soil, seed and overall design please? first grow

    i have been lurking around a bit and reading before finally joining today to post. i am tentatively planning to buy a 250watts hps system, fox farms ocean forest soil, still need to pick a fert, a timer of course, and some fem seeds from nirvana-shop. first, the area i'll be working with isa...