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  1. J

    Rust Fungus? Nutrient Burn? Help A Newbie, Please.

    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. I was under the impression that bud rot would be gooey/sticky? These patches are dry, not gooey or wet at all. There also is no white cotton like fibers, and the discoloration is brown, not gray. It also appears to only be happening on some of the...
  2. J

    Rust Fungus? Nutrient Burn? Help A Newbie, Please.

    I am actually posting this for my friend, and I am not an experienced grower, so forgive me if I sound like I have little clue what I am talking about. :lol: What I do know: It is an outdoor grow. Bit of a spider mite problem, so has sprayed with Avid and Neem recently I believe. Appears to...