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  1. M

    Is Tiger Bloom Enough?

    All I used in my last run during flower was tiger bloom and still pulled 3.4 ounces per plant
  2. M

    Are my seedlings healthy? Help ):

    Looks like it stretched from the light being too far. Also be careful putting a fresh seedling in full sun. You will shock it and that will definitely not help your struggle.
  3. M

    first closet grow need help and ideas

    your gonna have to go with cfls. any kind of hid lighting is gonna raise the temps drastically. i had a cab going roughly the same size and with a dimmable ballast set at 450 and a window ac pumping into it i still maintained temps of around 80. with no way to ventilate your going to have...
  4. M

    Mexican bag seed grow. First Grow, I have questions about flowering.

    if your tent is leaking light that could def be whats holding you back. rule of thumb ive always gone by and had no problems is if you can hold your hand up in your space in the night cycle and see it you getting too much light into your space. Causing slow flowers to form will be the least of...
  5. M

    400w HPS is it too close?

    be careful with the hand test i have had burns on my girls and the light was never uncomfortable on my hand
  6. M

    Bogglegum? Anyone tried it?

    Wondering bout picking up the bogglegum. Has anyone tried it? How was the grow? Smoke?