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  1. N

    BUGS! help me - pics -

    they start maiting emediatly and the dragon looking larva goes to town on the bugs
  2. N

    BUGS! help me - pics -

    Pincher bugs do that kind of damage also. Spray it with a mild soap to water solution.That usually takes care of all insects.
  3. N


    I was told anywhere between Aug. and Nov.
  4. N

    PLs, need help fast,,looks like mites, can't see posted.

    sometimes you cant see the mites. Go purchese some lady bugs.If you have a bug problem they will eat them all good luck! oh ya seperate the mother plants for a little while after you release the L.B. Good luck!
  5. N

    Where do spider mites come from

  6. N

    BUgs or SOmthing ElsE? pics

    you have spidermites. get some ladybugs!
  7. N

    spider mites please help

    first thing you should try before poison is nataural bug killer ladybugs. They wont harm you or your plants.
  8. N

    PLs, need help fast,,looks like mites, can't see posted.

    get some ladybugs, that eat mites without damaging your plant.
  9. N

    Leaf problems - yellow & rusty spots older leaves dying

    spitermites! Gotta catch or purchase ladybugs,they eat mites and other bugs.
  10. N

    Poison Afghan Outdoor Journal

    you know what dont hurt your plants with bug killer, purchase some ladybugs and cut them lose in the afternoon. LS eat all those horrible little pests and dont damage youp plants.
  11. N

    Poison Afghan Outdoor Journal

    I had spidermites on mine too. Put some cold water in a spray bottle,and spray the bugs off. if that doesnt work like it didnt for me,use a mild dose of insecticidal soap.
  12. N

    BUGS! help me - pics -

    could be earwigs!
  13. N

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    about your soil, anywhere from 6.8 to 8.0 isgood
  14. N

    Just transplanted & having a problem!HELP!

    Sounds like it is in shock from transplanting. did you give your plant vit.B before transplanting?You might try somehow shading your plants for a short while until it comes out of shock. good luck to you