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  1. T

    Dont let your gf touch your plants!! PICS!

    People, people, people.. again.. im gonna have to say "wowww".. this is the first time i've been back on this thing since the last time i posted.. although christian had read me some of the feedback since then when we've talked on the phone.. but i didn't know it was THIS MUCH of a hit.. well...
  2. T

    Dont let your gf touch your plants!! PICS!

    nope.. wrong tina merie buddy.
  3. T

    Dont let your gf touch your plants!! PICS!

    WOWWWWWWWWWW. well.. hey guys.. "girlfriend" here haha.. so christian had told me about this post he had made earlier and had read me some of the comments people had said.. haha i think some of the things that were said were hilarious. yep. i SURE DID go after his plants haha.. he wouldn't...