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  1. T

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    old thread had to post my results from harvesting a plant that died naturally from -2 and snow for 2 days:( the plant was all leaning over to one side with all the fan leaves dropping and turned a very dark greenish, black color so i harvested it anyways it was almost 2 weeks early and to my...
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    Fiming outdoors

    after lookig at the pics again on my laptop not my phone it looks correct i didnt see any growth left at all on my cell , i fimming 2 days ago have no new growth yet how bout you? MADVILLAN.CA
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    Fiming outdoors

    nice job on the lsting my friend!! and as far as the fiming i think you may have toped it when you fim it should have a mowed top look , the pieces you cut off in the pic look like hole leafs not 75 to 80% of the leaves i may be wrong though just what im judging by the pictures but keep me...
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    Late season start! Starting from seed questions.

    last year i planted a 2 week old seedling outdoors on july 5 and it was almost 6 feet come time to harvest it had some sativa in the genetics to though so that helped aiding in the fast growth
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    perlite, whats the best?

    the coco and perlite mix would be okay just make sure the coco is the correct ph before planting soak it in phed water and then check the run off and if it has changed adjust it to the correct ph again i belive in coco it about 5.8 to 6.3 someone correct me if im wrong im not expert only got a...
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    walmart "plant prod." all purpose 20-20-20

    old thread but i use the same nutes, plant prod all purpose 20-20-20 for vegg and for flowering i use there 15-30-15 i use at 1/4 strength and work my way up. i have a buddy that uses it aswel swears by it except he uses 20-20-20 all the way through of course he flushes the last 10 days just...