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  1. Chimpy

    adrianvasquez1985 Vs Chimpy!!!!

    yeah.. 100% floro. :D
  2. Chimpy

    adrianvasquez1985 Vs Chimpy!!!!

    nice,nice..This too is my first ever attempt at any kind of plant. I Will get some pics soon..My bro has my camera right now..he went fishing or some lighting is not all that great right now,but I'm gonna get that fixed soon.. Right now all i have is four 4ft 40 watt floros..
  3. Chimpy

    First time CFL grow using Homebox™

  4. Chimpy

    A chimps introduction.

    Thanks! I've just started growing,and this site has a lottt of info.. really helpin' me out.
  5. Chimpy

    Welcome New Members!

    'Sup everyone! I'm just starting to grow,and this happens to be a very information rich place.. I've learned quite a bit in the past few days,and hope to learn a lot more.
  6. Chimpy

    First time CFL grow using Homebox™

    Pretty plant. I'm on my first grow right now.. I just germinated 2 seeds and put them in dirt..Hope they pop up soon.. beautiful plant though.
  7. Chimpy

    A chimps introduction.

    Hello,I'm chimpy.. This site is the single most awesome site.In history.