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  1. M

    Blue Dream, Cheese, 4 Others - 2 Tent Grow (Pictures)

    Hey guys! It's my 3rd winter to be growing. I skipped the mother plants, clones, etc this year. By the time I get mother plants big enough to clone, and clones going, it starts getting too hot outside to keep my garage cool. So I ordered a bunch of seeds and got going.. I have 8 plants...
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    Chocolope, Super Lemon Haze, Critical Kush (Attitude Seeds) - 1st Journal

    Thanks, the 3 seedlings are looking good. I have a second set of leaves on the Chocolope and the other two look like they aren't far behind. I got a fan hooked up to my cool tube in the flower tent. I haven't added the second 600W light yet. Even with the hood cooled it's getting close to 90...
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    Transplanting a large mother from inside to outside

    lol, my friend who is growing the mother plant outdoors is a he, not the plant. :)
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    Transplanting a large mother from inside to outside

    Thanks for all the advice! I delivered her to her new home yesterday after hardening her for the past 3. He will give her 2 more days to harden and then transplant. I also took him some SuperThrive from my bottle to use until he can get his own. Now I have some square footage in my veg tent...
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    Chocolope, Super Lemon Haze, Critical Kush (Attitude Seeds) - 1st Journal

    I have been growing since last August. I got on here and started asking what turned out to be stupid questions, so I stopped and just read for the next few months. I have a good 2 tent system going with a decent excuse for a SOG grow going. I have the tents in the garage, which is not climate...
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    Transplanting a large mother from inside to outside

    I have a mother plant that I started from bag seed back in August. It has been good to me, and given many clones, but I noobily put her in a 10g pot and she has outgrown my tent. I have to prune mountains of growth off of her just to keep her under control. I have a new mother that I took...
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    Cautionary tale...Check your timers! (96 hours of light in flower)

    I added some supplemental CFL lights, and when I did, I left an extension cord laying over my timer, and as it turned, the cord pushed all the little tabs down. 4 days (96hrs) later when I realized what I'd done, I fixed it. Several weeks later, I have 5 plants that look like these. What...
  8. M

    Wine Cork Bubbler

    No bueno on the wine bubbler. I'm getting slime on my stems. Only 3 have rooted. I thought it might not be light tight, but in Sea of Green part 2 Hans uses clear trays with roots growing underwater with light on them. I just changed my water yesterday. pH is at 5.2. Any suggestions would be...
  9. M

    Wine Cork Bubbler

    As I often do when deciding I want to make something, I looked around to find something we had an abundance corks it is! Simple small plastic container, 10-gal air pump, 6 corks, little time. I just wanted to show it off. All the clones I took last night are looking good. A few...
  10. M

    First Grow 3x3x7 Veg Room - Pics and a few Questions

    Update: Well my babies are getting big. I started cloning them yesterday so I can sex them and clear out the boys. It's coming along nicely!
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    How much damage can a set of fan leaves sustain and still "work" for the plant?

    I'd been wondering the same thing! Thanks for asking. I think the 60-70% damage rule sounds good. I'm going to adopt it myself.
  12. M

    Casey J.'s "First Grow" journal....

    I'm 3 weeks in with some White Widow (first grow). Very excited. I FIM'd one of my WW, and left the other 3 growing. One of them died about a week ago. Hoping out of the 3 I get one nice big mother! Can't wait to see some pics and compare sizes with mine at that age. Here's WW#4 and #2...
  13. M

    How much extra time am I adding by topping

    Here's what I'm working with currently. I have a 400W MH rockin 24-hrs a day. I just got it hung yesterday, so I haven't seen any big increases in growth yet. I also had little to no exhaust until today, so I stuck a 6" Max Fan pulling hot air out. I'm hoping that the lack of an HID bulb and...
  14. M

    How much extra time am I adding by topping

    I have some 3 week old plants, some of which are thriving. I have FIM'd 2 of them about a week after they sprouted. They are both good looking plants, but very short. All of these plants are planned to be mothers, but hopefully at least 50% make the cut. I want to clone for sex as soon as...
  15. M

    Nute lock or deficiency? *pics* Yellow/rusty leaves

    I finally figured out the problem. It looks like my nute tank and regular R.O. water tanks got mixed up. So I've been giving the plants regular RO water with no nutes, and the dogs a nice 1-1-1 GH nute mixture. The good news is, the number of bud sites under his arms and ears doubled over...
  16. M

    Nute lock or deficiency? *pics* Yellow/rusty leaves

    Thanks everyone. I have my pH balanced now. I realize the roots are growing out the bottom. I have some 6" rockwool cubes coming, but they are taking forever to get here. I think I will take the ones that are worse off and transplant them into a nice soil and see if they bounce back. I...
  17. M

    Nute lock or deficiency? *pics* Yellow/rusty leaves

    I have 7 babies growing in rockwool. I planted them on 9/8/12. Many of them are growing tall and green, but a few are having some issues. I have looked at a ton of pictures for diagnostics, but it looks similar to a few different examples. I stopped feeding nutes a couple of days ago. I...
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    Drip to Aeroponics conversion advice.

    I'm not liking the drip system because my spikes don't stay in right, and end up knocking my plants over if I try to use it on a timer.
  19. M

    Drip to Aeroponics conversion advice.

    Would there be any draw back for converting my drip system to an aeroponic setup? I could plug the drain holes in the bottom, and stick an air pump in there. I'm having issues with my rock wool drying up fast, and after watching the Sea of Green Hydroponics video, I like the way that setup...
  20. M

    First Grow 3x3x7 Veg Room - Pics and a few Questions

    Here's the babies. Some of them are getting as tall after 2 weeks as the soil plants are after almost 1.5 months. I'm proud of them. WW#1 took a nose dive overnight. Ready for the bigger rock wool to arrive so I can transplant. The picture of the 2 small ones in the previous post are...