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    Droopy plant. Might be PH. Need PH Experts.

    that is your problem your watering way to much water once to twice a week. once a day is way to much
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    Does my baby look ok ?*pics*

    this is a indoor plant and i am not sure if its pre fertalized or not
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    Does my baby look ok ?*pics*

    ok ill see what happens any one else?
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    Does my baby look ok ?*pics*

    umm anyone? i want some opinions
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    Does my baby look ok ?*pics*

    hey does there seem to be a problem with it? i think its growing a lil funny but is the droopiness normal and i havent been overwatering just twice a week
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    New cfl grow need help *PICS*

    my plant did this one time. i transplanted and it fixed the problem within hours
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    lowes has 100 watt daylight cfls for $1.00

    yup and so does walmart there not the spiral kind. i picked up a few and they are bright as fuck 2,000 lumens each not a bad deal
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    Tin foil - White paint...Which is better?

    DO NOT USE FOIL!!!!! i killed my plant in one night burnt it to a crisp all because of foil =( never going to make that mistake again
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    Need Help with seeds

    i am not sure exactly how long the tap root has to be but i planted mine as soon as the root was showing and it came up in 2days so ya. and i would use plain soil with no nutes
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    you cant do much except keep the light closer now put a fan on it like you said.
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    plants falling over

    they probably got over watered badly...
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    Using cfls

    no it should not burn your leafs 6inches is fine and cfls barley give off heat at all. just have good air flow, fan blowing. and hps lights give off more of everything including heat. hope i helped you. by the way i have the 42W cfls and i have them 2iches away and they dont burn it at...
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    Help my plants are in bad shape

    for some reason i dont think its the soil because i am using that same soil and my plant is doing great and its about the same size if not smaller... i also added alot more perlite to the soil if that matters any.
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    help with my seedling!!

    any one else got a suggestion?
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    help with my seedling!!

    i also when watering spilt a lil water on it could this be the reason?
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    is this going to live?

    it looks a little stretched how far are the lights? and i would put a fan on it to strengthen it up a bit ....
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    help with my seedling!!

    ok i think im having a heat issue. but my 2 42wt cfls and 1 26wt cfl are like 5-6inches away maybe more... tell me what wrong !
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    distance to my seedlings?

    id put the cfls 3-5 inches away from the plants...and for watering i water my seedlings every other day or every2days and just a water bottle cap full...or 2 thats how i do it.
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    lights on?

    any one else have a opinion...its been 2days since i put them in and they have been in the dark.. they still havent popped out.should i turn the light on them now? or wait?,,,
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    lights on?

    i just stuck my germinated seed in my soil should i wait till it pops out? or put the light on or should i put it on now?