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  1. sexy1987

    What do u think about my set up and plants

    I have a sour d in blue bucket can't remember the other ones all ordered from online what I order was LA woman, purple wreck , SD, OG , SS Haze
  2. sexy1987

    What do u think about my set up and plants

    Tell me what you think
  3. sexy1987

    need help outdoor grow ohio

    Updated photos.Buds are turning purple as you can see.So what do you think? Are they doing good?
  4. sexy1987

    need help outdoor grow ohio

    okay the buds are turning purple so is that good and there swelling and any sugestions on how to cure it and harvest and when
  5. sexy1987

    need help outdoor grow ohio

    could you tell me what i could expect from the plant in the photo and how do i get plants like urs
  6. sexy1987

    need help outdoor grow ohio

    just wondering if the plant has a nitrogen defiecentcy
  7. sexy1987

    outdoor bud how to make bigger buds

    ok thanks another question is i have six of those plants that u see do u know what i can expect at harvest and can i add all purpose mg for flowers and vegies with molasses
  8. sexy1987

    outdoor bud how to make bigger buds

    any advice would be nice also would like some natural way outdoors to increase bud size