Search results

  1. C

    to Cheetah2007...custom 250W HPS

    thanks man...i start searching...but here in Graz, where i am, nobody has ever heard about such things...:peace:
  2. C

    to Cheetah2007...custom 250W HPS

    ...and is there some chance to do something without it...or something to work instead...:confused:...actually i start to ask stupid questions...10x so far...i go on with the cfls ...for the next grow i'll be better prepared...:peace:...i'll come up with some pics soon
  3. C

    to Cheetah2007...custom 250W HPS

    ...big bro...what is the small part called, except for the lamp itself and the seems that i dont have it :mrgreen: ...i knew that i can not count on my brother for byuing all the stuff...i appreciate your help
  4. C

    to Cheetah2007...custom 250W HPS

    I think it would be better in it up:roll: