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  1. ProPheT 216

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    I would say the plant is suddenly becoming deficient and or heat stress from.a very hot day on young leaf
  2. ProPheT 216

    Calcium Carbonate & CaCO3

    The type of calcium I prefer.
  3. ProPheT 216

    Yellow leaves

    Start with a slurry test and report back
  4. ProPheT 216

    Should I flush ?

  5. ProPheT 216

    Should I flush ?

    It's polite and courteous to flush. I don't understand why so many threads on the topic. Especially if you rocked a duce
  6. ProPheT 216

    Yellow leaves

    Well the whatade you start feeding. Did the plant show sign of running out of food in the soil?
  7. ProPheT 216

    Second Grow Stunts to zero at about week 3-4. Leaves yellow from the top down and curling

    Def a root rot problem. Don't reuse any stones or air lines. Bleach everything else. Add beneficial bacteria to your res. Recharge works great. I've used rw and grown dwc for years, now I just use rw. You r probably keeping that cube to wet early on is all. And in turn you're letting some...
  8. ProPheT 216

    Yellow leaves

    Looks like it was given way to much food weeks ago, it curled the leaf tips and burnt up the leafs. These are all dieing now and you are upping your feed again about to kill off the rest of your leaf. The plant has been over fed it's whole life. That's the issue
  9. ProPheT 216

    First go with mephisto

    Interested to hear what you think of the genetics. I have not ran his stuff but often wonder if it's over hyped
  10. ProPheT 216

    Is there any hope for seedlings that stop growing after sprouting?

    What are they planted in? That will help with a answer
  11. ProPheT 216

    Is there any hope for seedlings that stop growing after sprouting?

    They don't need anything but tap water till they begin to crown the first 3 finger leaves. You probably hurt them with the S.T. I also agree looks to wet. Me personally I like to start my seeds in rockwool. Transplant into anything or add to more rw.
  12. ProPheT 216

    Cant get e-juice strong

    Ask me any questions you have
  13. ProPheT 216

    Crystal White Kush DWC

    Never sleep on white widow. Some.of the best crosses still come with the earthy widow tase
  14. ProPheT 216

    Mt 09 sp vs Mt 10 vs Mt 10 sp. Anyone have any insight. I'm about to put a signature down

    Mt 09 sp vs Mt 10 vs Mt 10 sp. Anyone have any insight. I'm about to put a signature down
  15. ProPheT 216

    Cant get e-juice strong

    Rxce make way better vape liquid than other forms of extract. It's dark, but flavor and potency are top notch
  16. ProPheT 216


    Think of it like this. Your first two little leaves at germination are like two pennies and then you get your first one finger true serrated leaves. That's like two pennies turning into four pennies. Then you get your first three finger leaves. That's like four pennies turning into eight...
  17. ProPheT 216

    Anyone here run a genuine aeroponic system?

    It's still in a garage of a family member. I'll pay you to take it lol. Idk enough to even look it up
  18. ProPheT 216

    Anyone here run a genuine aeroponic system?

    I bought 1 many years ago, almost 20 probably. Avoid aero like the plague these days. Just to many issues with equipment
  19. ProPheT 216

    First DWC grow

    Looking good OP. Best advice I have to offer is remove the air stones from the air lines, then attach them as a sinker but don't force air thru them. They clog quickly and you won't know till it's to late, and the best way to oxygenate water is breaking the surface. Just let those big...
  20. ProPheT 216

    Tips for best possible outdoor crop

    Definitely pee on it