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  1. bongReaper666

    Found a MOnster!!!

    i agree leave it the fuck alone and plant some other shit infront of it or park a car infront of it BE CREATIVE!
  2. bongReaper666

    Am I permanently fucked?

    either it was laced or ur lieing(whitch i dbout)
  3. bongReaper666

    Hermie? or NOT.. Please HELP..

    pretty shure its a herrmm
  4. bongReaper666

    Small white bugs

    noo their not spider mites i had the same problem they look like fuzz but hop around their gnats and theywill suck your plant dry u just gotta keep killing them and use a pestaside. i used garlic and it ran the little fuckers off!
  5. bongReaper666

    Any predictions on how much of a yield this is looking like?

    looks like maby a hp at most
  6. bongReaper666

    How To Cure

    hell yea i like the steam method i might try it!
  7. bongReaper666

    Best Food When High

    flaming hot munchies for shure!
  8. bongReaper666

    Cow manure,chicken litter or bat guano?

    yea i use cow shit in my mix and my plants are doing extremly good!
  9. bongReaper666

    any organic fertilizers?

    hey everyone i need some help with fertilizer and i have no money but can obtain most common things. I currently have 5 plants in North Carolina and ive been using cow shit from a pasture across the road and ideas guys? bongsmilie
  10. bongReaper666

    Bouncing Bear Botanicals

    yes i have orders from them it comes to ur door in a little brown box :D
  11. bongReaper666

    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    hell yea you know it i got 5 plants unknown strain but sook and smell dank il have pics up asap
  12. bongReaper666

    Trippy music?

    bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieyoo listen to the beastie boys!:weed:
  13. bongReaper666

    Trippy music?

    bongsmilieyoo listen to the beastie boys!:weed: